So here are my thoughts on this guy, overall its a great looking figure and certainly a must for any Pred collector who already picked up the other two AVP figs. The eyes and steep sculpt issue don't bother me as it looks close to the actual movie character while in my opinion coming off with a more menacing look overall than what he actually had. The bio is great but I think HT should have made it wearable, yes he never wore it in the film, but it would have been an awesome look to see the mandibles underneath it.
The dreads, as mentioned, are the best on any pred yet in my opinion - they just look old and gnarly giving him an aged appearance without making him seem feeble. I think they nailed how much whiskers to use as well, though the removal of the head makes it very possible to break them off. The cape is a great material, but is definitely difficult to get to sit just right, what I did was tuck the chain under three of the spikes on the neck collar and it looks best like this to me.
The spear is well done, however, the collapsed size of it is too big, but it does not bother me that much, the thing looks extremely fragile though. I have pretty much all the preds and have broken two of the normal spears just collapsing them gently. HT needed to address that and never did. I would have also liked to see a hand included that had his fingers wrap up and under the bio as getting it to sit naturally is far too difficult. Another nit is the string used on the bio, it is all wrinkly like old thread and they just sloppily glued it to the back of the bio but the greeblies are excellent so that offsets this.
The biggest problem for me is the stand, you have Scar and Celtic with their elaborate skull laden masterpieces and this guy comes with the awful dated looking oval POS stand. This is an absolute BS move as the only three pieces HT really had to work on here were the sculpt, bio and spear. Putting this guy next to the others just looks off with him on the crappedy stand, after all this is the Elder, he should have had a stand mimicking the ship floor in the final scene in the least.
Still glad to have him, looking forward to a chopper (with an awesome stand ;-).