Love it. I nearly ordered one of your stands from eBay today! They look superb.
Thanks, JB! I appreciate the feedback.
Love your stands. There is a rubber-like mat you can buy very cheaply at IKEA called VARIERA that has the exact circle/dots pattern that goes on the vertical part of the step just like in Jabba's Palace (if you go to Dented Helmet site, go to the ROTJ Fett photo pages and take a look at him standing in the Palace, you'll see the dots.) Might be an easy and very cheap addition.
I saw that pattern on the old SS PF and researched it before making this stand but I had no idea where to find that pattern in 1/6 scale. I'll definitely check out the IKEA mat. Thanks for the tip!

how much those stands?
Right here, CG.
I still need to hash out the details of that Fett stand though. And I definitely need to check out that material TaliBane mentioned.