I think you're talking about 'Fu-Reviews'. He's the guy that does a subtle Oriental style voice. At the beginning and end of the video he has a Ken doll like figure with the oriental garb and the Fu-Manchu mustache on it. He's by no means perfect but all in all he's my favorite reviewer..well along with Glenn Webb
That's the guy.
I like his reviews too. I never subscribed to his channel, but came across his reviews while searching for specific figures. I might subscribe, now that I think about it. He has some different figure reviews and he does some amazing close shots of the facesculpt and other parts of the figure.
I know a lot of people hate Sean Long, but I like his reviews cause they are short and he does review a lot of figures (I like it just to see the figures, he almost never has any criticism to any figure) and he seems like a nice person.
I also like shartimus and Anthonyscustoms (they are my favorites general reviewers, quite critical on their reviews, always point the good and bad parts of the figure) but Anthony hardly ever reviews sixth scale figures (a lot of Figma, which I also collect).
But by far, my favorite sixth scale reviewer is Xenom0rph (also with a critical point of view; with Shartimus and Anthony, my three overall favorite reviewers). I think his reviews are excellent.
Edit: I also like two smaller channel reviewers, called ScifitoysAustralia (really short, 2-3 minute reviews, excellent to get a feeling of a figure) and John Carlos McMaster (a lot of Pop Funko, but has a good number of sixth scale too).