Super Freak
For real man. I saw the email too, but that Wolverine figure wasn't eligible.
Sideshow Collectibles Newlsetter
Oh wow that is VERY confusing
For real man. I saw the email too, but that Wolverine figure wasn't eligible.
Sideshow Collectibles Newlsetter
So did people pre-order him?
I'm now limited to just Mark Suits. It's a pick your own poison thing to me. Continue the undefeated completist streak with the Mark Suit armors while Hot Toys continues to have me by the balls and keep spending thousands each year, or quit now but feel this unexplainable feeling that I am missing out on something I have pride in collecting?
I'm at the point where I'm hoping I "miss" one so I have an excuse to quit altogether so I can be free. It sounds crazy but I know there are several others of you who feel this way too. One of the main reasons I liked collecting these was because I enjoy producing photography with the armors.
Someone posted above about spending $7k on getting 2 of each exclusive AOU figures and I'm thinking wow, $7000 for 28 dolls? I know I've probably spent more or less that much just on Mark Suits. At what point does everyone act like that one popular meme with the dude in the e-card throwing up his hands with the papers in the air and its captioned with "F this s**t"? What's everyone's collecting limit? When these dolls hit $500 a pop? $1000 a pop? Anyone else feel like they may be experiencing the twilight of their collecting time now? Soon? Never? I've known several of you on these forums for several years now and I'm interested/curious in what many of your collecting thresholds are.
Hell yeah!!!!So did people pre-order him?
I'm sticking with my Ironman 2 War Machine. He looks like a beast compared to this.
Ordered! With shipping and import taxes this is gonna sting though.