I like the new suit better looks killer
I like the new suit better looks killer
There are aspects of the CW suit I still like better but I am still glad I am waiting for the solo movie version. I find it interesting though in this pic that the build is so different between suits considering it's supposed to be skin tight on the same guy. With that said, one of the things that bothered me about the CW HT's version was how skinny his waist was and how exaggerated the contrast was between the waist and shoulders. But after looking at this that's probably the intent of the design and Hot Toys was trying to capture it. But the new suit by comparison (at least in this pic) seems to have a more realistic physique so I am hoping to see this reflected in the new figure too.
I actually like the CW suit a lot better, and not just the cowl.
There's something just off about the new one.
Does anyone think Hot Toys will do an update on this particular suit for his solo movie? Or do you think we will just get the new version of the suit?
I passed on this version since it didn't include a headsculpt, but still find this suit to be the much better-looking one.
I feel like it's the eyes on the new suit that throw me offI actually like the CW suit a lot better, and not just the cowl. There's something just off about the new one.
I feel like it's the eyes on the new suit that throw me off
I'm so grateful to have such an amazing Black Panther in these movies. I love every version of his suit I've seen so far... All I really expect at this point is a decent T'Challa head sculpt to come with one of the upcoming versions. I'm kinda hoping for a version with the thicker facial hair as seen in the Infinity War trailer.
I'm mostly interested to see if/how HT will tackle the purple/blue glowing aspects of his solo movie suit, and I honestly really hope they try.
I'd also get Killmongers gold panther suit if HT makes it. I kinda feel like the gold one should have a cape to go with it.
Finally got this bad boy. Great figure.
Nice, where'd you pick him up from?