Not sure if it's just the lighting, but the hair does look lighter there which seems to help with the likeness.
The russo brothers also said this wasn’t a 2 part movie...their word means
Thy did say that. But IW is not a complete story.
some people are not on earth, there’s no after action(after snap) fallout shown. And unless they are just giving up and letting things stand with thanos winning all they showed was the first battle, not the conclusion of the “war”. It was supposed to be the total wrap up of the all the previous stories, but they didn’t address Valkyrie, ant-man, was, Hawkeye but with throw away lines at most. Not much of a wrap up really.
I really liked the movie. But it was definitely not the stand alone they tried to push.
The Russos and Feige said it would be Infinity War and Avengers 4 instead of Infinity War Part I and Part II because both movies would be complete films from a narrative standpoint, which Infinity War certainly is.
Infinity War is Thanos’s story, and there is certainly a resolution at the end for him.
It may happen to end on a cliffhanger for the audience, but so did Empire Strikes Back. But ESB and RotJ are distinct, complete movies with continuing stories. Infinity War and Avengers 4 will be the same.
Basically, the difference between one movie split into two parts versus two movies that are complete but continue a story.
Same angle, slightly higher res in case you guys were interested.
Looks good. I hope Cap has more screen time in the next film. To me, he didn’t have enough presence in IW for me to really need this figure in my collection. The shields he used were an odd choice too. They didn’t function at all like his regular shield so really why not just use a different weapon entirely? Something more practical against an enemy horde.
was just thinking, I bet these shields would look great on Black Panther
It could be argued that by the time he was on the field in Wakanda with the shields they'd only faced members of the Black Order, so they didn't know a horde of Outriders was going to be on the agenda. Although given that they knew Thanos was behind the Chitauri attack on NYC, I suppose they should have expected something similar. But I agree, the shields are an odd choice, especially given that they're nothing like any other Wakandan shield seen in this film or BP. Are these possibly a callback to something BP used at some point in the comics?
I took it totally differently e.g. acknowledgement by T'challa that he recognizes Cap as Captain America with a certain way of fighting and a certain moral code. E.g. T'challa sees to the heart of a person. Could have sworn Evans nodded a bit at that.
Also the Russos said in an interview that Cap had been back to Wakanda a lot tho I'd argue for me the presentation of certain things didn't work and I wouldn't have thought that (e.g. if u are being tracked u would never develop a behavior pattern and just keep moving). ANYWAY in theory T'challa knows Cap pretty well. In theory I guess re Russo comment T'challa had already made the shields for Cap tho it doesn't sound that way in the film.