1/6 Hot Toys - MMS677- Episode II: Attack of The Clones - Padawan Anakin Skywalker

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Lucas simp
Jun 6, 2017
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Very cool! Not sure I’ll get this version of him but still happy to see some it some news on him and Padme along with Mace Windu on the list. But no Jedi Knight mullet Obi-wan on that list 😔
Waited nearly 20 years for this announcement. Ever since Sideshow grabbed the licence back in 2004 i hoped we'd get a AOTC Anakin. Never thought it'd take so long after Sideshow AOTC Obi-Wan released to finally get him.
Again no kenobi! I’m glad for the announcements but this is just like the clone wars.
I’m not a costume expert so I’ll ask: are there major differences between mace’s outfit between aotc and rots? Lightsaber is different, anything else? Might need 2 mace for both movies.
No AOTC double wave is complete without Jocasta Nu, they're really playing with our minds and heart strings now.

Why are people saying Dooku price will go up now, what here makes Dooku suddenly more appealing? There's already Jango to pair with Dooku.
OMG FINALLY! I'm sad they didn't list Kenobi, but Mace, Anakin, and Padme are some of my grails. I hope we get a deluxe Anakin with 3 sabers, missing arm, Speeder bike, and maybe shmi's body bag. I could see myself getting 2 anakins for Dooku duel and then on the bike. He would look great with Arena Padme too.

And then Mace! Its about time. He has been a gaping hole in my collection. I love the AOTC designs and can see myself getting every release. I hope they move onto RotS after we get mullet Kenobi.

these two have the potential to send me down a very slippery slope and i fear i dont have the self control to resist…

sigh, guess it’s time for another detolf 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
So much nostalgia just from that teaser pic! Really never thought this would get made, I guess Padme was delayed so they could show them together. One of my most wanted figures, definitely buying him, I just hope they put a lot of effort in the sculpt. Can't wait to see more pics!