1/6 Hot Toys Rogue One: K-2SO

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Been a lot of talk of this figure in some of the other threads. Definitely one of the best from the Rogue One line.
I must confess I'm looking forward to the Cassian show mainly because of the inevitable reissue of this fella!
Really hope they do reissue it. This had originally been the only Rogue One figure I was going to own, just had to have it even though I planned to only collect OT.

Now I pretty much have all of the Rogue One figures outside of the basic Stormtroopers. Still waiting on Baze, Cassian, and Two Tubes.
Really hope they do reissue it. This had originally been the only Rogue One figure I was going to own, just had to have it even though I planned to only collect OT.

Now I pretty much have all of the Rogue One figures outside of the basic Stormtroopers. Still waiting on Baze, Cassian, and Two Tubes.

Two Tubes would be one of those amazingly unexpected releases, like Krennic was. He is in my top 5 wish-list of figures.
I missed the boat when it came to the Rogue One figures.
For Christmas my twin brother got me Jyn Erso.
A few weeks after he got me Director Krennic.
Over this weekend another package arrived.
He bought be K-2SO.
It turns out he was looking at my history and saw I was looking at all those figures.
Not sure where he got them though,he won’t tell me.
I missed the boat when it came to the Rogue One figures.
For Christmas my twin brother got me Jyn Erso.
A few weeks after he got me Director Krennic.
Over this weekend another package arrived.
He bought be K-2SO.
It turns out he was looking at my history and saw I was looking at all those figures.
Not sure where he got them though,he won’t tell me.

Nice. :clap

If he's looking for another brother let me know. :lol
Definitely needs a stand. He's quite a heavy droid.

He's so tall I have him on that shorter stand.

Koska's using K-2SO's as I didn't like where her flight stand arms had to hold her. I thought her nameplate would fit straight onto K-2SO's, but the slots are different. Didn't expect HT to change the design of those. I secured it with white tack.
A truly great figure, it's just a shame Hot Toys can't (or won't) figure out a way to give us a way to display these figures that look good when the eye's aren't lit up. The light up features are so overrated to me, 99.9% of the time any figure with light up features is going to be displayed with the light off. I want it to look good then. 3PO, K2SO, etc all look dead and lifeless on the shelf because of the light up eyes, which are off almost always.