I wanted to post these mods I did to Daredevil.
It pissed me off for over a year I was trying to convince myself I was ok with this thing. With his skinny fat physique, neckless bobblehead and his utterly ridiculous Depends. But season 3 gave me some inspiration to look at him again for the first time in ages. That and TA parting out the thing, I'm thinking; how the hell are they getting the suit off?
So I just got over myself and went at the damn thing and pulled off the suit! Took a lot of patience and inching it little by little but it came off and also went back on OK. (with the exception of the waist being stretched that popped right back into original shape when I hit it with a hairdryer. All the mods I made, I can actually revert back to the original figure 100 percent if I ever needed to.
credit goes to Freak member Gipetto0812 who had the idea to put it on a HT Deadpool body.
In fact this is the only option, that body along with Daredevil is tight jointed and engineered specifically to hold poses with the resistance of the plastic bodysuit. But the thing is that I felt he was still not quite the right build for Daredevil. So what I did was I dremeled the arms and shoulders, traps and and back lats down to fit his physique more accurately.
Finally I swapped the knees and below with the daredevil legs to ensure his height went back down shorter as it should be and the ankles fit properly, and I opened the backs of the bodies to swap out the deadpool neck ball plug with the original daredevil ball plug. this raised his neck ball almost level with his traps, which made it just the perfect height when the suit was put back on. I was elated as that was my number one beef with the figure (his stumpy neck).
I also stuffed a bit of cotton in the front of his pants, it's not really needed though. I just thought there had to be a reason why HT gave him Depends. Spoiler alert... there's not.
All said and done I now love the figure. HT really needs to invest in more /better bodies and not cheap out and re use the same crap, and a fat suit for a figure like this is a terrible idea. He's going to inevitably look, well, fat.