I don't even know what Imperial Cody looks like

If that's in Bad Batch, I haven't watched yet, though
@MyenShi gave me a great go-by in another thread. But yes, it appears what you say about the EP3 Cody is correct regarding how nice it is. I was thinking of switching the body out for one of the newer ones but porting over the arm... whenever I eventually get one

That's very much what I fear of happening
When it comes to clones I was only thinking about having a few, relatively speaking, given how many other's buy. Basically only HT versions of my favorite Sideshow ones I used to have, so it won't be toooo bad. What I'd like to own are Cody, Rex (incoming), Gree, Wolffe, Bly and Arc Trooper Fives and Echo. Jesse looks so good though and he comes with his unique unhelmeted head that it definitely is difficult to pass on him. We'll see.