1/6 Hot Toys - TMS112 - Ahsoka series: Chopper

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Asta's pictures made me want to cancel from Sideshow and order from Kit. So I went to go cancel and saw I used a $20 promo code and $30 of rewards on Chopper.

I guess I'll wait lol.

Nice pictures, Asta! Chopper is looking great!
Yup just cancel on Sideshow, You get your $30 in rewards back minus the promo code. Kit's in stock now too with free shipping and $10 Promo codes floating around.

If you cancel you should get the reward points back, and their life is extended for another year.
I've used that loophole a couple of times.

If anyone has expiring reward points, use them on a figure then cancel the order within 24 hours to get your NRD back too. Reward point life should reset too.

I'm surprised they've not patched that out yet.
I got charged for something today, and I'm pretty sure it's Chop! Looks like he and the zombie Death Trooper will hit by year's end. I really need to do some shelf reorganization.
Chopper has landed! Equal parts maniacal and cute.

I just got him and found him to be one very stout droid. Way more poseable than other HT SW droids. Was surprised nothing lit up on this figure, but i guess that is what you get for $245 these days
Got him a few weeks ago and think he looks great!

But how do we not have a Hu Yang announcement yet? That figure would FLY out of HT’s inventory!

He’d likely be an engineering challenge, but I’d expect he’d be well worth it either way all the guaranteed sales!