Here are two great custom droids.
First one is c3po from episode 1 of star wars, with real wires, lightning in eyes, pulsing in the same rythm than voice telling "I am c3po, human cyborg relation". Yes there is sound on this figure speaking.
Second one is chopper from rebels. Sounds, lightning and movement of the upper part.
I have videos of course if you're interested.
Price for the set is 900 usd.
First one is c3po from episode 1 of star wars, with real wires, lightning in eyes, pulsing in the same rythm than voice telling "I am c3po, human cyborg relation". Yes there is sound on this figure speaking.
Second one is chopper from rebels. Sounds, lightning and movement of the upper part.
I have videos of course if you're interested.
Price for the set is 900 usd.