1/6 Hot Toys - TMS133 - The Clone Wars: ARC Trooper Echo

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Man, I really don’t want haven’t wait a year and a half for these guys. So excited to get them.

Same! Between these 2 and Grievous, it is going to be a longgg wait.

Think I might offload my SS Fives and Echo, they've been in their boxes so long anyway.
Man, I really don’t want haven’t wait a year and a half for these guys. So excited to get them.

These and Kit, too. At least for these guys, we have a hope for early release as they're quite basic.

Its just so weird to get so many releases that people have been wanting for years, up for preorder and almost all at once, too.
Its just so weird to get so many releases that people have been wanting for years, up for preorder and almost all at once, too.
Hot Toys might see the writing on the wall that there could be a slowdown coming for them really soon. Times are tough, money is tight for a lot of people and they're collecting less. Maybe economically things improve in the coming years, maybe they don't. A lot of that hinges on whether or not China further throws the world economy into chaos if/when they invade Taiwan. That's likely going to lead to some economic issues between the US and China, and it might get hard for Hot Toys to get product into some western countries for a while.

My guess is they're pumping stuff out because the Marvel cash cow isn't what it was, people still want Star Wars stuff, and they want to stockpile funds now before anything bad can happen and leave them really hurting.