So going back and looking, and even watching the InArt vid…assuming that either these are or are not the proportions that will arrive to us…I can agree the head/body proportions seem more noticeable on the jail cell figure. To me, the ones taken with the coat on, in the display box, it doesn’t seem as glaring to me.
That said, this is a thing I’ve dealt with for years across Hot Toys, 3rd party, etc - I love HT Iron Men - do the proportions match well to having a scale RDJ in them, and then does that scale well next to Evans’ Cap? Always? No lol
I guess, I’ll say this, I can concede where some people will just want it absolutely *perfect*. Esp for the cost, sure, I get it. For me, this is still the best 1/6 iteration of the character, hands down. So I’ve no qualms in rolling forward. He’ll work well enough for me next to my DX19 with OT Customs’ badass accurate head and my S.King.S Phicen Bane lol
If it’s a true rumor and InArt held off actually letting us see production pieces (seems that their video is the production pieces though, so who knows), then maybe this is a thing they caught too.
In the end, I’m still over the moon haha sorry to those who aren’t but maybe if those folks cancel it will open it back to those who want it and won’t have to pay terrible prices later. I’ll solve the jail cell joker head size with posing and lighting and if the coat version looks as good to me as I see in vid and pics, I’m not even worried there