1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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For 'the best piece at this scale', to have the head be too large isn't forgivable IMO

Everything could look perfect, but if it's not in scale with the rest of the body and batman, what's the point?
Agreed, I'm not asking for perfection I'm asking for heads of the right proportion, not bobbleheads.
Really you think on a shelf that single inaccurate proportion is enough to ruin an otherwise spectacular collectible?

So all the tailoring, innovations, accessories, posing, colors, hair, life like face, seamless arms are all ruined because the head is slightly off scale?

Slightly which means can easily be fixed by posing, settings and lighting.

All ruined?

If the problem is the price for the double pack may I suggest one less cup of coffee per day lol

You should see my Hulkbuster he can’t do any busting and his massive LED array of lights are useless!!!

Love him dearly zero regrets!
:lol Yes
But why is it suspicious since he specifically said upfront that these are prototypes it’s not like he said they were final production pieces and they were the prototypes all companies display their prototypes all over the world for fans to look at and provide their opinions on camera.

I've seen some people speculating that In Art aren't completely happy with the production piece and that's why Justin was given the prototype to review. Especially since we know they have production pieces ready. Personally, I'm fine with it, though I think I would have liked to see one of the factory samples.
When it comes to accuracy I'm a very "it depends" type of guy. For example, for years I didn't know what the hell type of boots Michael Myers wore. Everyone is scouring the internet for the best "jungle boots" or whatever the hell they're called. Yeah, nah, I just used some random work boots I had in my parts bin.
So going back and looking, and even watching the InArt vid…assuming that either these are or are not the proportions that will arrive to us…I can agree the head/body proportions seem more noticeable on the jail cell figure. To me, the ones taken with the coat on, in the display box, it doesn’t seem as glaring to me.

That said, this is a thing I’ve dealt with for years across Hot Toys, 3rd party, etc - I love HT Iron Men - do the proportions match well to having a scale RDJ in them, and then does that scale well next to Evans’ Cap? Always? No lol

I guess, I’ll say this, I can concede where some people will just want it absolutely *perfect*. Esp for the cost, sure, I get it. For me, this is still the best 1/6 iteration of the character, hands down. So I’ve no qualms in rolling forward. He’ll work well enough for me next to my DX19 with OT Customs’ badass accurate head and my S.King.S Phicen Bane lol

If it’s a true rumor and InArt held off actually letting us see production pieces (seems that their video is the production pieces though, so who knows), then maybe this is a thing they caught too.

In the end, I’m still over the moon haha sorry to those who aren’t but maybe if those folks cancel it will open it back to those who want it and won’t have to pay terrible prices later. I’ll solve the jail cell joker head size with posing and lighting and if the coat version looks as good to me as I see in vid and pics, I’m not even worried there 🍻
Well let us hope our Jokors dont break during transport as well. Tf?
I’m not buying that Aragorn broke. Look at how they’ve designed the packaging for Joker- InArt know how to protect these things and everything else made it unharmed…

They pulled Aragorn because people have been pointing out the inaccuracies and they probably realised that the cosplayer costume they’ve been using as reference isn’t actually screen accurate so need to go back to the drawing board.

It baffles me how they screwed the Ranger sword up on an officially licensed product. Would they not have access to Weta’s own reference material?

InArt is on a slippery slope. Every time they tell us something, it turns out to be a half truth or a pile of bull. They need to stop
making empty promises and starting meaningless polls and only issue statements when they’re confirmed to be able to follow through. They keep giving us reasons to be disappointed that otherwise wouldn’t exist if they’d just keep their mouths shut.
But why is it suspicious since he specifically said upfront that these are prototypes it’s not like he said they were final production pieces and they were the prototypes all companies display their prototypes all over the world for fans to look at and provide their opinions on camera.
Probably to avoid legal trouble. It is worrying 😂
If Inart drops the ball and doesn’t deliver they will go out of business simple as that.

Hell companies that poison your food and water are still in business Inart is only screwing themselves if they mess up.

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