Better than what? A faulty system? -- well, yeah.But once they are lined up I think they look better.
Better than what? A faulty system? -- well, yeah.But once they are lined up I think they look better.
No, even when they’re working correctly they often look either crosseyed or walleyed and since they’re attached you can’t adjust them individually.Better than what? A faulty system? -- well, yeah.
Is this the DX19 head?But once they are lined up I think they look better.
NoIs this the DX19 head?
I also experimented and put my head closer to the mirror and, lo and behold, my head looked bigger. I thought it might be magic but it was the mirror.
Im not a big fan of the JND. And the blitzway one is horrible.
KA Kim's prototype TDK Joker sculpt for the Blitzway statue is pretty fantastic though. The best TDK Joker hair sculpt I've ever seen for sure.Im not a big fan of the JND. And the blitzway one is horrible.
Gosh taking a look at some of these customs is making me rethink if I want to drop the grand on the deluxe. Maybe a part of me wants to drop more then a grand for only 1 figure but with a sculpt like these
Blitzway one was horrible cause of the flat production paint, the sculpt itself is great. The JND one though is horrible to me...from the root job to the actual likeness.Im not a big fan of the JND. And the blitzway one is horrible.