1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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Here's the latest WIP on my Raiders Indy, the neck hasn't been painted yet, and the face isn't finished..going for a specific scene with this one, so a good bit of work still to do..

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It's my camera. It's my iPhone, so I don't have a great one. :thud:

Yeah, you are really negative today. :rotfl

It's nothing to to with the skills of the customisers, it's the figure.

It isn't your phone either, the gloved hands are just too big. It's just another in the catalogue of major failings inherent in this figure. The only part I actually like on it is the revolver.

I can't say too much more, it really gets me steamed! You guys are making valiant attempts to save this figure, and after spending what you did and ending up with what you did I don't blame you!

If you're happy with what you have when you're done fair play. I'm not saying mine will be the best Indy ever when he's done, but, I'll be happy with him.
No, it was the HT Indy experience! I have to bite my tongue SO much when I see this figure!

I think maybe you should bite it a little bit more.....
This is the Indy customization thread after all, I actually think this figure can look awesome, just not out of the box.
Most other Indy heads I have seen look like painted models. Show us yours or stop being so antsy.
Is the HT sculpt the best out there? At the moment, for me, yes. But I'm always upgrading this thing. It's actually my favorite thing to tinker with. I'm expecting to see good things from WGPs digital sculpts, so I'm sure he will be tweaked again. :) all part of the fun. I never bought the HT Indy figure. Just some select parts.
Sorry guys,

Mine will be up when he's done. As I've said already, I want to take my time and get it right. I'm doing reasonably well now, but rushing any part of him will be fatal.

I'm not aiming to compete with anyone, as I know I can't. I just want to do an Indy that satisfies me.
Sorry guys,

Mine will be up when he's done. As I've said already, I want to take my time and get it right. I'm doing reasonably well now, but rushing any part of him will be fatal.

I'm not aiming to compete with anyone, as I know I can't. I just want to do an Indy that satisfies me.

That's what we all want! :exactly::goodpost:
Here's the latest WIP on my Raiders Indy, the neck hasn't been painted yet, and the face isn't finished..going for a specific scene with this one, so a good bit of work still to do..


Looks great, Rorywan! Whatever you've done to the face definitely helps with the likeness! Great job!
That's what we all want! :exactly::goodpost:


I should just judge the work and not what's worked on. If WGP deliver I can use what I've got now as a practice run.

The thing that used to annoy me when I posted custom Indy figures in the past was people saying "Why didn't you use this.."

It was either because I couldn't afford to or didn't want to as it would just have looked like every other Indy out there. If you think a part looks good, use it, just don't expect everyone else to. If everyone uses the same parts they end up looking the same and that isn't the object of custom figures.
That's the best HT Indy I've seen, Rorywan. Too bad they couldn't come out of the factory that way. Hope I get mine soon so I can start modding him.
That's the best HT Indy I've seen, Rorywan. Too bad they couldn't come out of the factory that way. Hope I get mine soon so I can start modding him.

It's actually great fun Steveo. I think I'm gonna end up with 3 now! A TOD, a Raiders and a perfect Kato outfit one.

It's become a hobby in itself!


I should just judge the work and not what's worked on. If WGP deliver I can use what I've got now as a practice run.

The thing that used to annoy me when I posted custom Indy figures in the past was people saying "Why didn't you use this.."

It was either because I couldn't afford to or didn't want to as it would just have looked like every other Indy out there. If you think a part looks good, use it, just don't expect everyone else to. If everyone uses the same parts they end up looking the same and that isn't the object of custom figures.

You big moaner you.. :lolWhen is the WGP head supposed to come out? They haven't really real eased ANYTHING yet. Apart from a few Catwoman heads.:dunno

Looks great, Rorywan! Whatever you've done to the face definitely helps with the likeness! Great job!
Thanks Lou!

I thought this was kind of fun to look at, jesus HT dropped the ball on this one.
But interestingly the head on the right is one of the newer heads, I just got it this morning in the mail.
Probably unfair to compare it shape wise, because I did major reconstruction on mine, but it's shape is very different.
Seems blockier around the eyes. The PERS seem a little better than the older ones. But it's still quite ____.
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But interestingly the head on the right is one of the newer heads, I just got it this morning in the mail.
Probably unfair to compare it shape wise, because I did major reconstruction on mine, but it's shape is very different.
Seems blockier around the eyes. The PERS seem a little better than the older ones. But it's still quite ____.

Damn my eyes, I can't see any structural difference. If there is a difference more apparent in hand, then it is subtle.

I think yours looks less "chunky" but that's because you doctored yours up. In a good way too, as it looks terrific!

Amazing work! I hope to have some time tomorrow so I may also do some work.

BTW, Rorywan, what was the final verdict on the shaving of the PERS -- worth the go or not? Any insight now that you're done would be appreciated before I break into my own ... I'm sorta happy with it so I need to be careful...

Damn my eyes, I can't see any structural difference. If there is a difference more apparent in hand, then it is subtle.

I think yours looks less "chunky" but that's because you doctored yours up. In a good way too, as it looks terrific!

Amazing work! I hope to have some time tomorrow so I may also do some work.

BTW, Rorywan, what was the final verdict on the shaving of the PERS -- worth the go or not? Any insight now that you're done would be appreciated before I break into my own ... I'm sorta happy with it so I need to be careful...


I wouldn't bother with the PERS shaving Wor-Gar. Your eyes look fine as they are, But I would definitely reccommend shaving the inside of the head. I ended up removing the hard plastic piece that comes down from the PERS box completely. Then leave it in front of a hair dryer for five minutes and squeeze it, then dip in cold water. I can't believe you can't see how fat that unpainted head is compared to the other one! Compare it to your one even? It's much wider, maybe it doesn't translate in pics. Anyway, go for it man, it's really interesting to see how much one can improve this sculpt.:hi5:
Then leave it in front of a hair dryer for five minutes and squeeze it, then dip in cold water.

So heat up the "face" or the PERS box without the eyes?

If its the face, you do that after you shaved off some of the inside vinyl that pushes outward when you reinsert the PERS box, is that correct?

So just to quickly understand: remove PERS box and eyes, shave down vinyl inside of cheeks/chin area, the heat 'face' until pliable -- squeeze and dip into cold water to set.

Did I get that right?

That's basically what I did when I first removed the PERS to fix the guyliner -- but when I put the PERS box back inside the whole head kind of pushed out again.

Greg, if mine looked as good as yours does there is no way on earth I'd be doing anything else to it.

Thanks, Paul. That's very kind. But I can still see room for improvement a bit. Just want to understand the recipe, then decide what to do with mine. A small amount of shaving inside the head sounds like it will help.

I still want to add the red wash too. But I know what you're saying, I am nervous about the whole thing, hence all the questions.

After having to strip mine back to vinyl yet AGAIN, I'm going to have to leave you lot to it. I need to get my head back in the right place, which it hasn't been since the HT figure came out. It's caused a lot of bad feeling, most of which has come, I hate to admit, from me. I hate being like that and please understand that it's nothing against you guys or your skills.

I've got to concentrate on mine and forget about yours till I'm done. I don't know how long that'll be, but, I've got to do this.

Take care guys and I'll see you on the other side