Mad Old Lu
Super Freak
Great stuff, Shortround, Chilipep and Joebiz! 
Chilipep, I love seeing the Sideshow head! Looks really great!

Chilipep, I love seeing the Sideshow head! Looks really great!
Great stuff, Shortround, Chilipep and Joebiz!
Chilipep, I love seeing the Sideshow head! Looks really great!
Totally agree on the HT collar. A little dab of glue fixes the problem instantaneously.
Guys beautiful work on all the Indy's. Once I'm up and about from surgery I'll be starting on a 1/6 map room like I did with the 3-3/4" version I did a while back.
Thanks Mad!! May I ask your opinion on which jacket you like better between the 2 I showed?
That's a tough one, joe! They both have their pros and cons! The Raiders jacket has a nice thin quality to it, which makes it hang nicely and look like it's more in scale. The dark color is nice too. But the cut it a little odd, and sometimes the material can look particularly NOT like leather. The Kingdom jacket has a great material to it, and you did a great job weathering it. But it is a touch too thick, which gives away the scale and ruins the illusion.
I think I may be leaning towards the Kingdom jacket. It does look great in your pics. I wonder if maybe slimming down the sleeves so they fit the arms better might help a little? Right now they are too roomy, which makes the jacket look more poofy. The stitch down the front zipper also looks very poofy, but I don't know if there's much you can do about that.
Great job though!
You've done some truly awesome work there with the HT Indy, joebizz.![]()
Yeah, looks great, Joe! Great job weathering!
Heya, any recommendations on pants for Indy if you can't get ahold of the Sideshow or Hot Toys one?
Or anyone out their looking to part with a pair of either?
Thanks, I'll look into it... I just need a pair of pants for the City of Tarnis bash
Oh, and Joebizz, I prefer the 2nd jacket![]()