Brighter lighting usually is best for showing off paint work and small details overhead lighting can obscure those details and cast Shadows
You wouldn't be getting the same paint job that's in these pics anyway so all you need to be looking at is the sculpt from various anglesWhen you're up for $200-300 for a head, the more pics/angles/lighting the better.
Figure I'd post mine. Not much customization, more of a head swap.
View attachment 252196
Those painted recasts on eBay are okay but seem a little expensive for what they are. At $40 plus shipping, you could almost get the new SSC TOD head for that.
Looks great! I just bought the clean version of that same head for my raiders figure. I noticed the head is made of a hard type plastic. Was it easy to pop on the neck peg?
The main problem with those heads is the price. The original SSC heads sell for $15-25 when they come up and while these knockoffs have slightly better paint (only really skin tone - better than the monochromatic orange of the original) they're not a major improvement over the original and they're double the price... and they're knockoffs. While those few paint details are slightly better, the stubble looks like charcoal with some big black dots.