could you show us how you have removed the jacket lining?
And this shot just cos I liked it (and I got the jacket collars sorted)!
Simon, it's AMAZING! I love the look of the DX05 jacket! It hangs well with the lining removed and the weathering looks so natural! Also your paint work on the head sculpt is excellent. Can't wait to see it finished!
Looks great Simon! Excellent work there buddy!
Cheers man, I'm having a blast! I love that Inigou head, its great. I will have to try and track down a v2 at some point.
Jacket looks great Simon, very impressed. Can't wait to see it completed.
It's really easy, just turn the jacket inside out, cut a little of the lining material to get started, then just cut it put. It's not attached to the leather jacket in many places. Just cut the main part out but leave a little of the lining intact where it attaches to the jacket (eg at the cuffs, at the zip etc.
thanks for the explanations !! the jacket seems more natural on the body...maybe i'll try it....about the have glued them? like the collar...
It's interesting that you mention gluing down the collar on the HT jacket, I think the SSC one looks better if you unstitch it. Still, I'm guessing the material on the DX one is thicker.
Yeah, at 1/6 it just doesn't have the weight to lay naturally as it would on a normal jacket, sticking it down on the dx05 looks better (to me) for a "Raiders" style jacket. Without some kind of mod the dx05 jacket collars have a tendency to stick up, or outwards.
The sideshow jacket seems to have a collar more consistent with the last crusade jacket in styling. Did consider getting the sideshow jacket as I do quite like the collars. Maybe if I do a crusade indy at some point.
I have made a couple of runs of custom whips in the past. Not as awesome as MFisher's whips, but still better than anything else I've seen out there. Looks great hanging from Indy's belt, and several SSF board members have bought them from me for their figures. If you can find an MFisher whip, then 100% go for that, but if not, drop me a PM if you fancy one of these...
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