1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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What do you think are the chances of one of the other 1/6 companies being able to produce Indy figures if Hot Toys and Sideshow don't bother?
What do you think are the chances of one of the other 1/6 companies being able to produce Indy figures if Hot Toys and Sideshow don't bother?


With Disney/Marvel/Star Wars being locked up by them, there is absolutely no chance anyone else will do Indy.

Our only hope, and something I've been wishing for, is that DID does a 'Hunter Harry 1943' or something to that effect.
With the new movie coming out i would guess that sideshow or Hot Toys will again have the license with the Lucasfilm/Disney connection they both have. Possible a Last Crusade figure comes out around that time but who knows. Would sell better than the new movie Indy.
I have real doubts that the new movie will ever get off the ground after the mysterious 1 year postponement. Harrison did not look that mobile I'm BR2049 to me, another few years aging for a man now in his late seventies isn't going to help. I hope I'm wrong.

If all goes to plan he will turn 77 during filming! Indiana jones as a borderline octogenarian.....they may need to really change the films core "action/adventure" roots to something more mysterious/investigative if they are going to retain Harrison. That's fine by me, I would rather have no indiana jones rather than have him recast.
I think that is a good idea ZedBelkon.

I always liked the thought of the haunted house Indy movie they considered doing years ago. It would be a nice change to the formula and could really freshen things up.

I just can't see anyone else playing Indiana Jones than Harrison Ford either.
The weird thing with Crystal skull is how they went overboard with some of the action given his age even then. Always the need to outdo the previous version whether it’s a good idea or not.
I agree TonTon. Bigger is not always better. I actually liked Crystal Skull until Mutt turned up after that I felt the movie lost its way.
They should use the de-aging technology to set the movie after Last Crusade and have Indy in his prime. That way you don't have to worry about following up the events of Crystal Skull (Mutt, Marion, etc). If they could pull it off, it would be big news and great PR for the film.
I know I'm dropping a huge turd here with the following statement but I think it's time for a recasting/reboot of Indy.


Indy has always been about adventure and crazy stunts. We can't have him now just sitting in a library, doing research or just walking around a cave with a lit torch.

I don't know who would be able to pick up the whip and do the character justice, but I think it's time to go back to the 1930's once again.
If Indy continues without Ford, it should be high quality animation (think 2011 TinTin). They can set them in any time period while keeping Ford as the only face of the character. There are some very good voiceover artists out there that can do a good Ford impression.
How about no? Moving on and letting it be without remaking it is fine with me. Why try and fix something if it isn't broken? Why not just leave well enough alone? New doesn't mean better.
Well, of course that would be optimum... but when do they ever 'let things go'?

But between reviving Ford for one last go 'round versus having a fresh adventure with a new star.... at this point, I go new.
If Indy continues without Ford, it should be high quality animation (think 2011 TinTin). They can set them in any time period while keeping Ford as the only face of the character. There are some very good voiceover artists out there that can do a good Ford impression.

oh now THAT is a great idea!! I would love to see that!! Tintin was SO fun... so well done... that would be the only way I would be really happy with more films... unlike Bond, Indy was a cinema creation only... and I would be happy to have it end with Ford as the live action version.
A reboot or remake would probably lose everything that made the movies so special. Harrison Ford has a screen presence and everyman charm that I just don't see in other actors these days.

I wouldn't mind a new Indiana Jones video game either. I have been playing The Emperor's Tomb on my PS2 again and it is still as much fun as the first time I played it. You never get tired off hitting someone with an old chair leg.
I'm not interested in the disneyfication of this property. Everything they (and most everyone else) make now is just a product and its painfully obvious how empty it all is. There's no soul in any of it. Spielberg, Lucas, all of them sold out a long time ago. The yes men (and women) running the show now just see dollar bills and products to exploit. They live, we sleep. Even if they make another one, it won't hold a candle to the original trilogy. Plain and simple.
I'm 50/50on what to do with Indy, I don't really think anyone could replace Harrison Ford and like the idea of a Tin tin like cartoon I also think Indy is a strong enough character to recast again and again like James Bond.
I'd think Chris Evans would actually be a good Indy.
I'm not interested in the disneyfication of this property. Everything they (and most everyone else) make now is just a product and its painfully obvious how empty it all is. There's no soul in any of it. Spielberg, Lucas, all of them sold out a long time ago. The yes men (and women) running the show now just see dollar bills and products to exploit. They live, we sleep. Even if they make another one, it won't hold a candle to the original trilogy. Plain and simple.

Now that's a post.

I think so many movies these days are instantly forgettable. They have no soul. When I think of older movies they have scenes that are burned into my memory. Years from now who will look back on the movies of today with similar fond memories? You should always put your heart and soul into everything you do otherwise why bother?
I agree that ford is the only indy, and also that I want to see another video game for indy. I would like the 5th film to be the last one and make it a good one. My childhood was watching the original trilogy on VHS.