1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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Some iconic characters transcended the actors that made them, with mixed opinions on their success (James Bond, Han Solo, Star Trek and Magnum P.I.) For example, I think that Capt. Kirk was bigger than William Shatner, allowing the new guy to pay homage to Kirk while still making the role his own. On the other hand, I am trying to love the new Han Solo and that love is wavers from time to time, but what makes it possible to accept the new actor is that Han Solo as a character is not as complex as Indiana Jones, IMHO.

To me there's a theoretical range for fictional characters with a varying correlation with whoever portrays them and there's a red line beyond which the character and its establishing actor become inseparable. For Harrison Ford, Han Solo falls short of that red line, while Indy goes over it. James Bond is a paradox, because Sean Connery created and owned it, yet the producers managed to reinvent the character over and over again so that the film series is not just the most successful in history, but that it’s still going strong to this day.

Therefore, either continue Indy with Ford, no matter how old he'll be, or just stop it altogether. The first three and for some, also the fourth, have given us spectacularly brilliant adventures that will live on forever and if 2008 becomes the end, I'll still be happy.
Yeah, I think the problem with the Bond analogy is that Bond radically changes his personality with every incarnation. Is Roger Moore Bond really anything like Craig Bond? Do we want someone called Indiana Jones who is nothing like the character we all love?

For me, I'd love an Indy 5 with Ford.....whether it happens or not seems increasingly unlikely to me. I would rather they didn't reboot it, but im a realist, if Hollywood can leach a dollar out of anything then they will. Surely at some point, sadly, we will see a new Indy lead actor.

They'll recast, then hot toys will put out a "new" Indy figure.....and get the headsculpt dead on ! :lol

Ps.....there is only one Captain Kirk. I love Chris Pine, but he is a pale substitute for Shatner in THAT role.
Here is my Raiders version Indy with the smaller head.

How do I get him to face the right way up? There does not seem to be an option to edit the image.


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Here is my custom Indiana Jones (Kingdom of the Crystal Skull version) that I have put together.

The head is from the 1/6 old Deckard that I ordered online.
I had to hack the top off the head and sand it down a bit before I could get the hat to sit properly. The hair on the side of the head was shaved down so I used modelling clay to make it longer. I then stuck it in the oven to make it go hard. Painting it was a pain. I ended up making it a mix of brown, black and white paint. I think it looks pretty good although there is another old Deckard figure coming out soon that has a great sculpt which I might get as well.


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Cool looking Crystal Skull Indy!

But seeing this pic, to me, shows exactly why we need to have a new actor in the role of Indy. Having older Ford in the traditional outfit just looks so out of place, especially when in the 1950's and beyond.

Ford IS Indy to me as well, but I would love to see the further adventures of Indy in the 20's and 30's, where he can continue following his archaeological adventures and wild stunts without his age being a limiting factor.

And I'm definitely in your camp when you say you don't want Disney's soulless influence affecting yet another special franchise. There's no easy answer.
Treasure Hunter > JNIX ?

On the DX05 body, Treasure Hunter looks too big and JNIX looks too small.

Both are probably headed for eBay. Pun intended.

Have you tried different bodies for the heads earth dog? I use the ZC Toys muscular body and I think it looks great with all the different heads I have including the original MJ Choi and the Treasure Hunter sculpt.
Have you tried different bodies for the heads earth dog? I use the ZC Toys muscular body and I think it looks great with all the different heads I have including the original MJ Choi and the Treasure Hunter sculpt.

Good suggestion. I think I still have a Sideshow TOD body to try but just haven’t the time to swap everything over.
I used the HT TFA Han Solo sculpt for my KOTCS Indy, which I think works quite well. I have pre-ordered the old Deckard figure to see if that sculpt does a better job though.

That looks great Timemeddler. I always struggle to pose my Indy figures without the leather jacket on. Even on the Temple of Doom version I am always tempted to put a jacket on him!

What crystal skull is that you have?

Ps. I think I have one of your custom satchels on one of my figures that I ordered online a while back. Great job with that.
Jnix Indy seems okay size-wise. But it may look better on the Solo body or best on the TOD Indy body, which is a little more slender.

I don’t know about the Jnix Indy head vs the HT Indy head but the Jnix Han head is larger than the HT Han.
i’m so stuck!! i’m painting ALL my indy heads and then decide later. original MJ, shrunken MJ, Inigou V1, and Jinx.
we shall see!!!

I have the full clothing set that was just done... an Mfischer whip... 1 Solo body, and one TOD body.

SURELY there’s a bangin’ Indy in there!!!
That's GREAT equipment to work with. Might be a couple good Indys out of that.

I'd love to see the same outfit with each of the different heads under the same conditions.

Also curious about the Solo vs ToD body. Never got the TOD so I have no idea.

Like Palpatine, I will be watching you with great interest.
HAHAHAH!!! oh wor... you crack me up!! i shall give as many updates as i think are deserving!! first step is head painting. i’m almost there... so look for something soon-ish!!
Also curious about the Solo vs ToD body. Never got the TOD so I have no idea.

If you’re lazy like me and don’t want to mess with customizing the incompatible ankle joints, it means you also have to use the TOD boots, which are nicely scaled but molded plastic.

Ultimately it seems like the jacket-to-body ratio is the most important variable so I have a few bodies on hand for when I get a decent jacket.
If you’re lazy like me and don’t want to mess with customizing the incompatible ankle joints, it means you also have to use the TOD boots, which are nicely scaled but molded plastic.

i’m not worried about the ankle joint issue... that’s the LEAST of my concerns... of which there are many!!
If you’re lazy like me and don’t want to mess with customizing the incompatible ankle joints, it means you also have to use the TOD boots, which are nicely scaled but molded plastic.

Not sure with Sideshow as I haven't had one of their bodies in ages, but could you swap out the entire leg from the ball joint? You know, HT legs, torso SS.