1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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venakin thats beautiful Indy you got!!! love the repaint you did!
is that the sideshow Indy jacket you are using? if it is how did you get it to fit/sit on the body so good?
lol, i ended up getting a pair... it was from some asian website a while back. didnt think the company would come through but i got ended up getting them.
Ok, it's taken me a couple of days but I FINALLY got through reading this thread in it's entirety.

My one question is as follows:

Is the optimum body to swap to the Hot Toys narrow shoulder body or the Soldier Story body (or still another?) There are some amazing customs using both and I'm just not sure which is the best one to get.

<embed src="https://img228.imageshack.us/slideshow/smilplayer.swf" width="426" height="320" name="smilplayer" id="smilplayer" bgcolor="FFFFFF" menu="false" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="https://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="id=img228/cavlcadetod4.jpg"/>

I love the way the customs from Mike Fisher, Small Studios, StreetsOfHongKong and Cavlcade for example, look, particularly the taller bodies and the neck and chest.

Ok, one more question: Where is the best place to obtain either of these bodies?

Thanks guys.
Here's the start of my custom SS Indy:


I'm reworking a DC Direct Rorshach body...

more to come.
Got a HT Body, Sov Studios jacket, DID shirt, Crystal Skull version pants, and just need a gunbelt from Mike and I'm set.

Little preview thanks to Xenoviper :

Got a HT Body, Sov Studios jacket, DID shirt, Crystal Skull version pants, and just need a gunbelt from Mike and I'm set.

Little preview thanks to Xenoviper :


That's a nice repaint. It will be cool to see the whole figure.
The head looks great Deckard, it's nice to see a quality paintjob on the german indy sculpt, very cool.
does anyone know where i can get the crystal skull on its own? I didnt want to buy the whole figure, as i will just replace everything on it, so i have got the head, just need the skull. Have had no luck on ebay so far
Here's my TLC Indy. Most of the parts are from Sideshow's Raiders Indy except pants, which are from KotCS Indy and boots which are from Hasbro. The body is TT narrow. I repainted the head and weathered the clothes and the boots.




A closeup on the boots and the jacket:


Those Hasbro boots actually look quite nice. Which version are they from?

They're from the talking Indy version. Straight from the box they're just plain brown - I painted the shoe-laces and stiching with black paint and weathered them.
Very nice Mighty_Jabba!

Here's my repainted SS ROTLA Indy.

What do you guys think? It looks so much better in person since I am not really a photographer. :(

