The uniform is pretty accurate (for SSC...), if a little too drab. Pretty much all pics fail to capture the SSC jacket true color - they make it look tannish. The Cooltoyreview ones are very inaccurate. It's more green and more accurate than pics show.
I'm using them for my Dietrich custom (cutting two coats to make one longer coat,) but will see if I have any extras (don't think so though.)
The bazooka is like a lot of SSC weapons - overall beautifully detailed and finished, but many minor details needlessly off. Like almost everything in ROTLA, that rpg/bazooka was custom made for the movie so I couldn't find any Dragon etc. bazookas that were even close (the KOTCS one is a different story.) Even the double gun that Marion uses in the flying wing is not a "real" weapon. I wrote the imfdb listing for some of the Raiders weapons - I redid almost all the information for the flying wing gun about two years ago because much of it was really incorrect!
bbl, if you need a bazooka, I have an extra one.
Ah, ok,
So, would the KOTCS hat look right on the SSC Raiders head!?
It might be too small.
Really!? I thought the KOTCS head was the biggest of the three heads and thought the hat was the right size.
Please can someone confirm this as I've just put up a WTB.
Was the bazooka that accurate!? As for the outfit, just look for DML or DID and you'll be spoilt for choice!
The jacket from the DiD DAK (Tom Cruise) figure is perfect.
Well, here's my German Indy bash.
The jacket, belt, pouches and y-harness are from the Soldier Story DAK figure. Standard hatless Indy head on a TT. Pants are from the Hasbro German officer, just happened to have them laying around, DID boots and the German Indy RPG. Had the hat laying around from a German Indy head I bought a few weeks ago so I placed it by his feet.
There's a few more things I can do to this to really get him nailed down like paint his belt buckle silver and pouches black but for now I'm happy.
Even though I wasn't blown away by SS's version I still wanted one in my collection.