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Re: 1/6 KOTCS Indiana Jones

You'd think they would have learned from all the Ark cancellations. Now Sideshow will have a warehouse full of Arks and Refrigerators. :lol
Re: 1/6 KOTCS Indiana Jones

I really was expecting this to be around the same price as the Belloq/idol chamber set, especially with so much of the Indy figure itself, headsculpt withstanding, being rehashed from the Raiders figure.
Re: 1/6 KOTCS Indiana Jones

If it is that price there is no way i'm getting the fridge.
Looking at the pictures, it's the most plasticiest looking polystone I have ever seen
Re: 1/6 KOTCS Indiana Jones

You guys really need to follow CoolToyReview.com, nice photos of a lot of Sideshow stuff there.





Yes, Mr. Myatt does a bang-up job every year taking great shots...

This figure looks FANTASTIC! Love the sculpt....also like the CS having a "cloudy" look instead of just clear like the medi version was...

As for the price point of the ex....I hope that's a typo on the press kit there, Carl! :whip Really wanted that fridge, but....
Re: 1/6 KOTCS Indiana Jones

Sideshow has fallen off their f'ing rocker if they think a damn fridge makes this figure worth that much more. What A$$holes.

I canceled the Toht ex based on the Ark not being nearly worth $90 and now the pricing with this ex will keep me from wasting my time and just sticking with the regular. At least I'll get him faster before they have to stall for six months while they think about how to ^^^^ up the finish on the fridge more. Are they trying to recoup the losses from the Ark or what?! :confused:

I think there's one of those $0.10 chicken in a box games and every time a dime's put in, the chicken randomly pecks at buttons deciding on what's coming next and what to charge. :huh
Re: 1/6 KOTCS Indiana Jones

Yeah, it almost looks like an ice cube, rather than just transparent plastic.
Re: 1/6 KOTCS Indiana Jones

Indy has that look on his face after he saw the price tag and said, "Oh that can't be good." :lol
Re: 1/6 KOTCS Indiana Jones

Ah crap. I just found out that he's going to run 225 by reading this thread... Damn it. Why on EARTH would they make it from polystone(I assume)????? Plastic would have been just fine. SS gives us these great big exclusives then prices us out. The Ark, Dioramas, Thrawn EX and now this. I just can't see spending an extra 130 bucks when I can take that and buy another figures instead.
Re: 1/6 KOTCS Indiana Jones

Have fun shelling out $225 for a Barbie dream fridge. My wallet will have crisp new Benjamins in it.
Re: 1/6 KOTCS Indiana Jones

I wouldn't be surprised if there is no hatless version. I don't recall him ever being hatless in his adventure gear in that movie.

I was just thinking that. Briefly when he's fighting the Russian and the ants are crawling away with it.
Re: 1/6 KOTCS Indiana Jones

He starts out the movie hatless and in his adventure gear. ;)

Ahhhhhhhh... but we never see that-- merely shadows. :D

I'm on the fence with this one... I like the fridge but that price is daunting-- especially as the firdge'll just sit there unlike the Thraw chair which will actually have someone posed on it...
Re: 1/6 KOTCS Indiana Jones

The expression does resemble the scene when he is hatless and strapped to the chair, staring into the Skull though.