1:6 Old Ben Preorder Thread

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Definetely be here for pre-order.

And it happens at 1pm EST over here, since the pre-order starts at 10am PST. 3 hour difference.
no... it's just a cleaning... but my schedual sucks so I can't cancel. I might just settle for the regular.

Is the exclusive definetly the Holo Leia?
Hope you make out better than me. I just went in yesterday to find out that two of the teeth under my bridge are deteriorating badly and I either need to get a new bridge that covers 6 teeth or get two implants and one bridge for two teeth.
I hope I can make it home in time to order the exclusive....if not, no biggy, I just want the figure anyway...the exclusive on this one is kind of sad...

I wish it had been the light saber chest and an extra Anakin Saber to put in it...
Holo-Leia could have come with R2...But with Ben? OK...Whatever...I have not really cared much about the exclusives on these figures for a while not...Assaj has a real exclusive variation...But the little blue Leia...Meh.
hairlesswookiee said:
this is another exclusive i care nothing about. i will probably order the regular through another retailer so i can save some cash.

Me too. I'll be in a meeting, usually I delay them to get my preorder in, but I can take this at a cheaper price w/no exclusive.
yeah... I'm in the same boat.. might miss this one, but I can live without the exclusive.
We collectors in asia have little part to play in such on-line preorders. I can't imagine how much the final cost would be with the postage cost incurred. I will stick to placing order with my local retailer.
Anyone else having problems logging in at sideshow? Keep getting the oops database message :monkey4
DekeStarkiller said:
I can't wait, you know R2 is coming since the holo table is being made and the holo Leia is the exclusive. At CIV this thing looked incredible. :cool:

I was just thinking the same thing... too many indicators pointing to R-F'n2 D2!!!

Maybe, C-3P0 and R2 will be announced at SDCC?!?