1/6 Roman Centurion Predator by Autobotjohn

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Yeah, not really. :lol

Me either. :dunno

Me too ..... or three?

Whatever, we're indecent, despicable excuses for human beings, and directly responsible for the decline of civilized standardization within the human race .... and whatever other big words people sling around trying to make themselves seem edumicated as they cast judgement unto others, instead of looking at their own lives and yadda-yadda-yadda-blah-blah-blah :monkey1

And that is gay :D

**in other words, we created autobotjohn :yess:
I think John needs to customize himself a camera stand.

Out of Styrofoam, duct tape and old Bic pen cartridges :D

But then he'd use the camera to show his more movie accurate camera tripod (with 4 legs) that he thinks he did a good job on :lecture
New Autobotjohn Video - Custom Rambo with Popeye Forearms :panic:

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LaxSOPkMM0&feature=feedu"]‪custom 16 rambo 3 002.3g2‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
That thing is terrible! The base looks like he used house paint applied with a 6 inch brush, and then wrote the III with a magic marker, and it looks like he found 1:6 scale flesh colored leotards to put on the arms. And did he use a black sharpie to draw the 5 o'clock shadow on???

And in other videos he says about doing commissions. Honestly? Like I'd send him a figure I could fetch $300-600 for, and actually pay him to destroy it!!! No thanks, I'll just hit the thing with a blow torch, and spray it with 3 different kinds of spray paint, and save my self your "customization fees" :cuckoo:

This guy needs to go completely overboard and get a hold of like a P2 Elder to "customize" ABJ style.

I would watch the video, but I'm at my Grandma's right now and she doesn't allow Autobotjohn videos in her house.

The funny thing is... I'm not kidding :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl
That thing is terrible! The base looks like he used house paint applied with a 6 inch brush, and then wrote the III with a magic marker, and it looks like he found 1:6 scale flesh colored leotards to put on the arms. And did he use a black sharpie to draw the 5 o'clock shadow on???

And in other videos he says about doing commissions. Honestly? Like I'd send him a figure I could fetch $300-600 for, and actually pay him to destroy it!!! No thanks, I'll just hit the thing with a blow torch, and spray it with 3 different kinds of spray paint, and save my self your "customization fees" :cuckoo:

This guy needs to go completely overboard and get a hold of like a P2 Elder to "customize" ABJ style.



I would watch the video, but I'm at my Grandma's right now and she doesn't allow Autobotjohn videos in her house.

The funny thing is... I'm not kidding :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

Some of John's Oldies but Goodies

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jjh-L0Uc_4Y&feature=channel_video_title"]‪marcus wright and john connor‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lbvXhV-Ojc&feature=channel_video_title"]‪custom predator 2‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

and of course the co ck eyed Joker LMAO @ 5:01Joker dialogue so outta context
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2B9YNIR5gc&feature=channel_video_title"]‪custom joker‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

and the classic Google eyed SUPERMAN
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bQrGUpA8w0&feature=channel_video_title"]‪lifesize christopher reeve SUPERMAN‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Some of John's Oldies but Goodies

‪marcus wright and john connor‬‏ - YouTube

‪custom predator 2‬‏ - YouTube

and of course the co ck eyed Joker LMAO @ 5:01Joker dialogue so outta context
‪custom joker‬‏ - YouTube

and the classic Google eyed SUPERMAN
‪lifesize christopher reeve SUPERMAN‬‏ - YouTube

at first these videos were funny, but then something happened,

now i watch these videos and it starting to make me feel like throwing up...
this videos are poop:dump
same with his voice, is weird but i hear his voice and i start feeling a little sick,
im not trying to be mean lol but, seeing that joker right now is making me feel like puking a little, im not even joking...:monkey3
You're not alone. I can't watch Smallville reruns anymore because I keep picturing that digusting plastic surgery gone wrong Reeve face...
oh god, that predator 2 figure looks like a burned victim, poor bastard:monkey4
sorry,gonna puke again :yuck
That poor Lost Pred. What kind of 1st grade paint job is that?? He claims to have no money but where's he getting the money for these?? And then he even mentions FML!!!! I didn't know he was taking any apprenticeships. :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl
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The finished life-size Superman reeve does'nt look too bad guys..:monkey3, however the Batman Keaton seems to have an phlegmon in the right cheek :rotfl

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oWYiSggKBg&feature=related"]‪lifesize christopher reeve superman finished version!!!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

...And The 1/6 superman enviroment is a continuous LOL...and thought I was going have a heart atack from laughing so much... :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl
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The life-size Superman reeve does'nt look too bad guys..:monkey3

Coz it's totally not his own work.
Head-bust by BobbyC (I bleev) and costume from ebay.
And still he can't even pick it up right...

The finished life-size Superman reeve does'nt look too bad guys..:monkey3, however the Batman Keaton seems to have an phlegmon in the right cheek :rotfl

‪lifesize christopher reeve superman finished version!!!‬‏ - YouTube

...And The 1/6 superman enviroment is a continuous LOL...and thought I was going have a heart atack from laughing so much... :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

LOL when he looks at the camera, I really was like WTF?:cuckoo:
well, he is not speaking on his videos, i guess the comments got to him,
i just wish he had a little bit of respect and care for the figures, he treats them the way a 5 year old treats his GI joes...