1/6 scale - InArt / Queen Studios - “JOKER” (Joaquin Phoenix)

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Captain Clown

King of the Wicker People
Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
I wanted to make the thread. :nana:

Is this actually accurate? It leaves off their very first figure which happens to be a Ledger Joker but adds an out of nowhere Phoenix Joker???
Remind me why this is supposed to be reliable information…
Only thing that feels wrong is Mera. I can’t imagine them doing her before Aquaman and even then they’d be wise to stay clear of her. With the Amber Turd controversy and the demands of her being removed from Aquaman 2, they should just cut their losses now. I can’t imagine many would drop $500+ on her now.
Would it really affect the figure's sales that much? Her only worth is her appearance, and I'd bet most people are buying just because of that.
Only thing that feels wrong is Mera. I can’t imagine them doing her before Aquaman and even then they’d be wise to stay clear of her. With the Amber Turd controversy and the demands of her being removed from Aquaman 2, they should just cut their losses now. I can’t imagine many would drop $500+ on her now.
My only guess is they wanted to diversify their output with another female character while also building up their own, inevitable Aquaman release. Personally, Depp controversy or no Depp controversy, movie Mera is lacking in all the depth of her comic book counterpart. Maybe I’m misremembering, but, to my mind, she strikes me as having been somewhere between a movie sidekick and the stereotypical love interest and, honestly? She just doesn’t have that much shelf presence. Certainly not enough to warrant a $3-500 price tag (and honestly, not enough to warrant a $150-200 third party price tag, in my case).

Give my ass a Kravitz Catwoman or a The Suicide Squad Robbie and I’m golden.
This is pretty much what I fear for the Inart stuff. Anyone believing they will look 99% like the proto are going to be very disappointed. The hair I expect to need some styling. The clothing seems rough for 1/2.

Think the 1/4 Artist joker only looks good because of the extreme premium and Viper's supervision.

And why the heck does it say @hottoys?
This is pretty much what I fear for the Inart stuff.

Think the 1/4 Artist joker only looks good because of the extreme premium and Viper's supervision.
Yes, the joker everyone always brings up is the extremely limited and premium artist edition that as rooted by Viper's team and himself (allegedly), those pics are what mass produced hair looks like and what the 1/6 figures will probably look like as well since they won't be limited artist editions but mass produced runs, perhaps they will make the Phoneix Joker very limited for 1/6 to please the licensor's demands of premium expensive collectibles?
And why the heck does it say @hottoys?
It's the name of a board on a chinese discussion app.
This is their new 1/2 rooted hair statue btw. 😐
View attachment 577182
View attachment 577183

That's just a defective piece, r-right? It could be salvaged with some fudging. Kinda...


His hair always looked like a wig in the movie as well, but the ones above are too lifeless while not getting the right volume and even growth pattern. It's a bad phtoto and angle too, but...

I'd buy a Phoenix Joker in a heartbeat, but if he's going to cost upwards of 1K and offered with just a rooted hair option, I'm 99.999% passing. I'm still interested to see what it'll end up looking like, especially how they end up offering this pack. Two figures? Three? What kind of diorama? Lots of unknowns yet. It could be an Arthur + Joker pack, with a Joker-based diorama (stairs, Murray's show) and a stand modeled after the apartment for Arthur. Or it'll be like Ledger and it'll just be the same body and Joker outfit x2 with 2 Joker HSs and maybe two smaller dioramas.

I'm not sold on rooted hair myself. At the end of the day these are still 12" dolls of wizards and guys in suits I'll stick behind a glass cabinet in various ways of organising and pairs. 95% of my collection will all have sculpted hair, spikes, and whatever else. Is it worth that extra cash, especially with how unproven the whole bit is yet? I may just be coping for being priced out, but I don't know. I like it when the scupted hair has a specific look down and features a certain style, sometimes a wild one. At the same time someone like Gandalf really works with the rooted hair, so I suppose it's a case-by-case thing.

In any case, were I interested in all these things, I'd first wait to see how Ledgeroker's rooted hair turns out before commiting to any 1K+ packs.

That's just a defective piece, r-right? It could be salvaged with some fudging. Kinda...


His hair always looked like a wig in the movie as well, but the ones above are too lifeless while not getting the right volume and even growth pattern. It's a bad phtoto and angle too, but...

I'd buy a Phoenix Joker in a heartbeat, but if he's going to cost upwards of 1K and offered with just a rooted hair option, I'm 99.999% passing. I'm still interested to see what it'll end up looking like, especially how they end up offering this pack. Two figures? Three? What kind of diorama? Lots of unknowns yet. It could be an Arthur + Joker pack, with a Joker-based diorama (stairs, Murray's show) and a stand modeled after the apartment for Arthur. Or it'll be like Ledger and it'll just be the same body and Joker outfit x2 with 2 Joker HSs and maybe two smaller dioramas.

I'm not sold on rooted hair myself. At the end of the day these are still 12" dolls of wizards and guys in suits I'll stick behind a glass cabinet in various ways of organising and pairs. 95% of my collection will all have sculpted hair, spikes, and whatever else. Is it worth that extra cash, especially with how unproven the whole bit is yet? I may just be coping for being priced out, but I don't know. I like it when the scupted hair has a specific look down and features a certain style, sometimes a wild one. At the same time someone like Gandalf really works with the rooted hair, so I suppose it's a case-by-case thing.

In any case, were I interested in all these things, I'd first wait to see how Ledgeroker's rooted hair turns out before commiting to any 1K+ packs.
His green hair in the movie was actually a wig, it's pretty clear by the fact it's longer and the hairline is completely different as well, as far as the rooted 1/2 statue it seems that is indeed the final product, bad lighting doesn't change how mass produced rooted hair looks like, it's the same case with their Phoenix bust, the hair just looks flat and fake unlike the beautiful prototypes they show, the tailoring is also nothing special.

I'd get a good Phoenix Joker too, passed on all the 1/6 offerings because they didn't please me but if QS/IA end up putting out a $1000 Phoenix Joker that only comes with rooted hair I'll likely pass on it too, unless they really impress with their first products I don't see their 1/6 figures being any better in the hair department but I'm still curious to see their 1/6 Phoenix Joker, I'd say a stair diorama is very likely.

Rooted hair is very overhyped, just like seamless bodies, real hair can look good when done well by a talented customizer but technically the industry still hasn't reached a point where they can replace standard plastic bodies and hair, so what you end up with is fake looking barbie hair and cracked bodies, maybe in another decade we'll figure out a way to make those work.

I think the issue with rooted hair is it only works on certain characters/styles, Gandalf is a perfect example because of his messy long hair and beard, once you start going shorter and doing more groomed or short hair going rooted just becomes unecessary, especially shorter beards, they just look awful most of the time, I find sculpted hair and beards are always the best option from a technical and visual standpoint.

We do have to keep in mind that these prototypes, beautiful as they are, are basically high end customs, there's no telling how well the final product will match them, but I don't have much hope for the rooted hair if QS other mass produced pieces are anything to go by, the only one that looks good to me is the 1/4 Ledger Joker and that is a very limited artist edition but only time will tell.
His green hair in the movie was actually a wig, it's pretty clear by the fact it's longer and the hairline is completely different as well, as far as the rooted 1/2 statue it seems that is indeed the final product, bad lighting doesn't change how mass produced rooted hair looks like, it's the same case with their Phoenix bust, the hair just looks flat and fake unlike the beautiful prototypes they show, the tailoring is also nothing special.
View attachment 577184

I'd get a good Phoenix Joker too, passed on all the 1/6 offerings because they didn't please me but if QS/IA end up putting out a $1000 Phoenix Joker that only comes with rooted hair I'll likely pass on it too, unless they really impress with their first products I don't see their 1/6 figures being any better in the hair department but I'm still curious to see their 1/6 Phoenix Joker, I'd say a stair diorama is very likely.

Rooted hair is very overhyped, just like seamless bodies, real hair can look good when done well by a talented customizer but technically the industry still hasn't reached a point where they can replace standard plastic bodies and hair, so what you end up with is fake looking barbie hair and cracked bodies, maybe in another decade we'll figure out a way to make those work.

I think the issue with rooted hair is it only works on certain characters/styles, Gandalf is a perfect example because of his messy long hair and beard, once you start going shorter and doing more groomed or short hair going rooted just becomes unecessary, especially shorter beards, they just look awful most of the time, I find sculpted hair and beards are always the best option from a technical and visual standpoint.

We do have to keep in mind that these prototypes, beautiful as they are, are basically high end customs, there's no telling how well the final product will match them, but I don't have much hope for the rooted hair if QS other mass produced pieces are anything to go by, the only one that looks good to me is the 1/4 Ledger Joker and that is a very limited artist edition but only time will tell.
As time went on it got dirtier and more "lived" in the wig stopped looking as fake, but it was always obviously not proper hair.

Agreed on all the rest. Ultimately they're supposedly trying to go for the "ultra high end" type of collector, but is that what they're doing? Fine, 1K for ultimate Ledger Joker or Phoenix Joker, I get it. 500$ each for the big LotR names? Alright, I understand. But then you have your Meras and Black Adams, which just aren't characters which warrant that price. I assume Adam will be a ~350$ figure like their standard Ledger. But Mera? 500$ for rooted Mera? Come on. So either there will be two tiers of figures they make, and you better hope your favourites end up being offered in the format you prefer, or they'll go all in as the "high end" maker, and after the Meras and the such fail to sell at 500-600 $ a pop, they'll end up doing just Batmen, Jokers, Supermen and so on. It's too early to proclaim doom so I'll not be worried until I see some actual announcements, prototypes and so on.

Me I'm not terribly interested to go the extra mile. These are still dolls roughly as big as a glass water bottle that I'll lock behind glass in a case. I got into them to collect the best versions I could, so sure, realism is important to me. But I'd rather see advancements made in better/sturdier materials, more accurate tailoring, the lifelike painting from the prototypes carrying over to the finished products and so on. So for my money, the seamless arms for characters in suits and the such are a better selling point than the rooted hair. With all the potential dangers, I don't see the point. 95% of my other dolls will be sculpted. I don't need Travis Bickle with a rooted mohawk, and I wouldn't update a Tony Stark with a rooted goatee.

Were I a "one figure to represent the entire IP" kind of guy, I'd have been more excited for the entire endeavor. But as it stands, I just want IA to make some great figures from the WB (and beyond) licenses HT isn't touching. I'm not looking to pay 500$ per doll for an extra tint of realism that I'm not even that much into.

It's not IA's fault, this is just the way the Phoenixoker contract is handled. But whereas I'd have jumped the gun at a "normal" one at 350$, 1K is just too much for this character for me. Shame, but what can you do. I still hope it turns out great and they do get the hang of the rooted hair.
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Is this actually accurate? It leaves off their very first figure which happens to be a Ledger Joker but adds an out of nowhere Phoenix Joker???
Remind me why this is supposed to be reliable information…
The HL one was already announced and put up for order, so it's not on this list.

The image already posted was what I translated, InArt posted an official one later.

After seeing the SW toys sculpt in person i had to have it. And then the daftoys body and suit i’m good. I will have to blown away to upgrade!
That 1/2 looks awful...Really gotta wonder about the amount of people in the forums praising InArt based on 1 prototype and having no previous 1/6 release.

I'm very happy the deposit was so low, I'll probably cancel depending on how it comes out. If as a whole it comes out okay I'll probably keep it and order a 1/6 custom head, but then that would probably dissuade me from getting anything from them again. I'd love a 1/6 Phoenix Joker, hoping JND revisit his clown makeup look but hardly anything that's good has been made of him on the mass market side.