You guys are going to BBQ some bears? Life in Wales is a lot crazier than I thought.Met up with Pete the weekend.. great to see you again buddy and will definitely get a BBQ & bears sorted.
Handed over some nice dioramas and a commission build.
I also handed Pete some parts of the speeder for test painting.
Just waiting on the new roto-caster upgrades to be delivered.
I'm cracking on with some of the other dioramas and commissions in the meantime.
Scratch, your work is amazing and I can’t wait to buy one of these for my Luke!
Forgive me if you’ve been asked this a bunch, but do you think you’ll ever make some sort of a Cantina Environment?
Would love to see the rotocaster in action.
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You guys are going to BBQ some bears? Life in Wales is a lot crazier than I thought.
Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
Scratch, your work is amazing and I can’t wait to buy one of these for my Luke!
Forgive me if you’ve been asked this a bunch, but do you think you’ll ever make some sort of a Cantina Environment?
Cheers buddy, I've been asked to make a Cantina a number of times and is definitely possible.
If you wouldn't mind dropping me an email me @ [email protected] we can have a chat
Yeah, that would be a great one - do the front "U"-shaped part (would be maybe 16-18" diameter/wide, plus maybe a few inches of straight bar on the back sides) along with some floor, do the drinks dispenser parts behind (somewhat modular tubes, could cast a Hasbro 12" IG-88 head to replicate as the main part to save on sculpt/build time) The whole dio could be 2' wide and 18" deep.
Even a more limited dio - just a straight section of the bar along with a quarter curve (maybe 16" long) with dispenser backdrop and floor segment - would be cool.
Either way, you get a HT Sandtrooper, Ben, Luke, Chewy, Han, SSC Greedo and Hammerhead in there, maybe 3PO and R2 as well. Would look awesome. Most iconic SW locale ever.
Yet not sure I've ever seen a cantina done in 1/6 before.
Absolutely amazing prints my friend. Wow! They are stunning.
Did not know it could produce such quality. Looking at Munster and Boba. Speechless.
The reason I purchased this 3d printer was the quality of the prints, we are currently in talks with a truly amazing figure sculptor and hope to be putting that printed to good effect very soon
Have dropped you a quick email with updates on the status of your current commissions and all of the other planned SW builds.
There's some seriously awesome and iconic builds in that list
Will we get a preview of the sample painted parts?
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What 3D printer have you finally decided upon, ScratchBuilder?
I've got 2 both from Anycubic one is a Mega & the other is a Photon.
The Mega is perfect for large rapid prototyping and the Photon is for the very small and highly detailed parts and the quality is incredible.
View attachment 452403
The Mega is a great piece of kit and created the master patterns for these.
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I personally wouldn't use filament prints on a finished build as the quality isn't quite there yet, but the resin is nothing short of mind blowing.
Parts have started to arrive to make a new rotocaster machine.
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View attachment 452408
View attachment 452409
Just waiting for the mini-moto sprockets and I can start the setting out and getting the aluminium cut.
Parts have started to arrive to make a new rotocaster machine.
Just waiting for the mini-moto sprockets and I can start the setting out and getting the aluminium cut.