Super Freak
Looks like he just ripped off those snow guys from Star Wars to me. 

That would be a really sweet combo (hope they include the battery or ammo box -- not sure what the box is that's attached in the movie -- with the E-Web, too).Yep, I'd agree the commander (if it gets made) would be a separate release. Or maybe it would be packed in with the E-Web Cannon.
Yep, agreed on all points, rushmore.KKK? Seriously? I think your looking a little too hard. Simply because the trooper is all white? Camo, snow, white.
Let's not mention this again or GL will go back and make the snowtroopers rainbow colored.
Actually, to me, the design still has strong Nazi overtones. The design of the helmet and goggles seems to have been taken directly from troop designs of that era
Well, can't argue about subconscious influences, I just think Lucas used the Nazis as a touchstone in the story for lots of reasons that go beyond their racism. Using the KKK as a design influence would be vulgar in comparison, as there is no larger context to them beyond being cowardly racists. The troopers wore identical anonymous outfits because they're clones, not because they're cowards, like the Klan. I can see where the comparison's coming from (basically all-white head-to-toe garb), but I just don't see it occuring to Lucas. Now that I've bet my future life's earnings, though, he'll probably come out with a quote tomorrow validating your theory!![]()
I'm still trying to reconcile the idea of Nazis being more sophisticated than rednecks.
I'm not talking about moral equivilence, galactiboy/devil. Yes, both Nazis and the KKK are 'bad'... think that goes without saying and we all get it.
I said as a "design influence". The Nazi officer uniform was designed by Hugo Boss, so it's no wonder it might be copied to telegraph an 'evil empire' (same with their distinctive helmets) and likewise, think about the scale of WWII and then compare it with some dumb, violent yokels in white sheets driving around in pick-up trucks. Honestly, this is just such a ridiculous connection to make. If the KKK wore all black sheets, would you say the design of Vader was based on them? I think you guys are focusing on the simplest connection between the two groups and trying to make them equivent as story or design influences in Lucas' mind and I don't buy that for a second. No way would McQuarrie take the KKK for an influence when designing a soldier, sorry.
Ugh, but anyway, I find this topic a real stretch so that'll be the last I say about it. Just felt I had to respond as you and devil totally took what I said about "vulgarity" in a way I didn't intend and didn't think could be confused, so I felt I should clarify that point.
Just to be clear, you understand that I've never argued that?...We can conjecture all we want, but the KKK allusion has no basis in fact.
I'm just going from a documentary I watched, but my understanding was that Hugo Boss, himself, was the designer, not just the manufacturer. Should be easy enough to clear up but unfortunately need to run to the airport. I'll try and look it up later.swsqueakquels said:And while Hugo Boss is known as a fashion design house today, they were largely a manufacturer of Nazi uniforms, not a designer.