ANH, ESB and ROTJ Tropers are very different, check this out!
I hope the helmet is more accurate than their Stormtrooper helmet.
I have all the confindence that ssc will hit it out of the park. I will be buying at least 6 of them.
Man is it that obvious?6!!!....6!!!! must be some kind of OT Freak....(looks at Sig)...Oh...right.
The helmet might be simpler than Stormie bucket but SS is not known for accuracy, please God make me wrong on this one. Gentle Giant also managed to make the eyes a bit too small on their Snowtrooper mini-bust, though the Classic Snowtrooper Commander mini-bust was quite neat. One SS 1:6 Snowy Commander and one regular trooper will be enough for me. I already have the 1:1 Snowtrooper helmet, which is all kinds of cool.