1/6 Space marines.....

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I've not been posting updates , but I've done a little work on a Jump-Pack for my Ultramarine and I'm considering starting on a 1/6 Marine Landspeeder .
Thought I'd try and inject some life back into the thread :)
My guys so far:


Since my last pic, I've acquired a 3A Krote who, with a bit of additional weathering, fits in with my other 2 guys.
I've got a very basic back story where these guys are legendary warriors now kind of like mercs. They travel from planet to planet getting involved in adventures along the way.

From left to right: Sentry, Kane & Guardian

I want a couple more additional characters as part of the group including a female so looking around for a figure that'll fit in.

This leads me onto my next marine. Obviously Mark is pretty much tied up with his uber 13project with Feroze and he's quite active on FB these days. To cut a long story short, I got chatting to him recently about a certain marine he part built back in 2011. It was one of his most ambitious yet but he never got the time to finish....well guess who's the very very proud recipient and can you guess what it is yet?! :D





I want to do this figure justice and try to carry on the awesome work Mark started whilst adding my own take on things. He gave me his blessing to complete this guy which is a huge honour and I'm currently collecting plenty of reference material on design, colour, materials to use and even the name so hopefully all the elements will come together
The aim is to integrate this figure into the existing group I've got. So many ideas...Fingers crossed!!
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Hey Wanderer. That's looking really cool and awesome. looking forward to see it finish!
Take your time and have fun Nash :)

Hey Wanderer. That's looking really cool and awesome. looking forward to see it finish!

I still need to do my 5th and final marine as well but it will be a while yet.

Cheers guys :D Definitely going to take my time and plan things out. Bit by bit I'm acquiring parts for the build. Need to make those arms pop.
As for the name, I'm going with Hecaton; short for Hecatonkchieres. Seems appropriate for a multi limbed bada55 :)

Can't wait for yours CBob m8.could be an epic ;)

Could I ask a favour? Have you got the link/website that sold those different sized metal studs/rivets at all? Not got any left so need a couple of bags.
Does onybody have an armor set to sell me?
As i have contacted people with no reply and i badly want one

I am waiting to hear back from Mark as to if he even does the sets anymore.

Cheers guys :D Definitely going to take my time and plan things out. Bit by bit I'm acquiring parts for the build. Need to make those arms pop.
As for the name, I'm going with Hecaton; short for Hecatonkchieres. Seems appropriate for a multi limbed bada55 :)

Can't wait for yours CBob m8.could be an epic ;)

Could I ask a favour? Have you got the link/website that sold those different sized metal studs/rivets at all? Not got any left so need a couple of bags.

Here ya go m8 :)

Does onybody have an armor set to sell me?
As i have contacted people with no reply and i badly want one

Check out Dorgmal Snow's Facebook page . A couple of days ago he had at least one kit for sale , complete with EVERYTHING you need , body , suit , the whole shebang ! :wink1:
Gradually getting bits and pieces together for the build.
Massive thanks to Dorgs for a bolter, servitor skull and some do-dads :)

Here's a preliminary build of the mech arms on the back pack using bionicle parts. Just trying to get a feel. Going to beef them up though...a lot.



Extended the top arms out some more which I think works pretty well:



Long way to go yet ... Any pos/neg feedback & suggestions would be welcome :)
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My only feed back would be to fill in some of the details/ connectors etc too loose that Lego look, otherwise great work and looking forward to seeing it compete. If anyone can bring this one to dorgs standards its you
My only feed back would be to fill in some of the details/ connectors etc too loose that Lego look, otherwise great work and looking forward to seeing it compete. If anyone can bring this one to dorgs standards its you

Thanks a bunch mate :) Yeah that's the aim trying to hide the Lego parts. I think plasticard is the way forward like Dorgs used for the lower arms. I just need to spend a bit of time to figure it out as I've never really used the stuff before...

Looking great m8 :)

Cheers CBob. Still working out how I'm going to do that hood too. I know it's doable! Lol

Decided to add some exhaust vents to the back pack for additional detail. The backpack is amazing incidentally. The detail Dorgmal worked into the design is immense.



Should look alright painted up and weathered
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Half the fun is figuring out things :)

If you put some electrical tape on the neck area you can sculpt onto that to get the shape. That way you can do a bit put it on for fit, then take it off etc.
It's gonna be a seperate piece mate. It'll have tabs so it should fit inside the neck area with the option or removing it...well that's the plan anyway!

Just debating how big to make it...
New here. Not new to 1/6th. Was really considering making a 1/6th space marine. Does anyone know of anyone who may have armor casting or customizing kits as a starting point? Thanks!