Super Freak
No i wasn't doing casting at the time but if you get dorgs to send me a helmet i can make 1 for you.
Here ya go
For the large eagle chest emblem we brought the ETCHED LARGE IMPERIAL EAGLES BR-40K-A-002
cheers mate
I have been good... been trying to work more which is good but I just get so chuffin knackered... Yeah the 13Project is going well and I am loving it... time and energy is the pain... what custom stuff have you been up to mate.. I also find it so hard to keep the threads up to datewhich is a real downer... I like the facebook stuff because its SO easy to post on there.. but I miss the community feel you get on here.
Quick update. I've added Panzer Cop shoulder pauldrons to the PlayArts figure which I think are a nice match to the marine and also given him a splash more green and yellow here and there to link the two figures together oh and a bit of grey hair for that rugged look! ha....
I think I'm done as I don't want to overdo it ...
I know it's not Space Marines beyond the use of the armour parts but it's my interpretation of something I known nothing about!
I could try and modify those, though i believe the narthecium is still a normal fist size with like a crazy wrist apparatus on it.
Here is an artist rendition
Thanks for the links im gonna get some marine parts!
Would anyone have any recommendations on how to make a narthecium? I want to make a Deathwatch Apothecary based on the character im playing in the deathwatch RPG
Ah the 4k mini 1 you originally posted is a powerfist.
Been a while but have a mo away from my current project...
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