1/6 SSC Snake Plissken Figure

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I like how how there so much concentrated hate in this thread about a figure that no one has seen in hand. I sure had my doubt about it but didn't cancel. I'm sure that when real collectors get this figure or if you get it in hand in sure you'll eat those comments. If you don't like sideshows figure don't buy and make your own kit bash now there will be enough parts to make one.
Conan, Ash, Decker, Batty....bring 'em all on! :lecture
Can we add Roadwarrior Mad Max to that list too? Please? I agree that sideshow may not be on par with hot toys, but who else is even trying to do figures from a movie that's not batman or marvel or johnny depp? I'm going to wait for in hand pics to decide on snake (I'm more of a MacReady or Jack Burton man myself) but it's probably the best and only official product we are gonna get.
I like how how there so much concentrated hate in this thread about a figure that no one has seen in hand.

To be fair, the pics we have seen til now have been less than flattering.
I was very much looking forward to this figure but i wouldn't buy the figure we have seen so far, regardless of the "this is the only time anyone will ever do Snake" rhetoric.
It's a personal decision, and i am not doing it to upset anyone who is the biggest Snake fan.
Just voting with my wallet. If the reviewed examples were better, i would have kept my order.
Sure you get wear and tear on ht figures. Nothing lasts forever. Having said that ht quality is far and above what sideshow are offering and this is reflected in the price difference and quality of the figures put out. You may be desperate for a snake figure but this doesn't mean you have to wax lyrical about a sub standard figure which looks nothing like the proto pics. At least with hot toys you know what you get is somewhere close to the prototype.
hahahaha nice...as oppose to all of us fake collectors right?

No as oppose to the people getting the figure for reviews that don't take good pics, don't know how to pose it good and don't know how to futz with it. I had been in this community for a couple of years I've seen people whining about the likeness of a figure and then proudly showing pics and saying that in hand looks awesome. The people getting this figure do not care if the quality is below HT or that you think the price is to high. We are getting it because we like what we see regardless of bad comments. Like I said, don't like it go to the interest thread and start looking for a customizer that can make your snake grail figure.
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I think the sculpt is weak but would have came out better without that separate eye system. The right eye looks big and wonky. Overall though, if I were a big Snake fan I'd prolly get it. I think the digs and accessories are pretty nice and at the very least I could pick up a custom sculpt in the future if one presents itself. Its weird how Sideshow keeps pumping out wonky head sculpts when other companies like DiD, DAM and Soldier Story have surpassed Sideshow in this area not to mention have been putting out quality sculpts long ago.
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. . . It's just over the price of a bootleg figure. Though saying that some of the bootleg companies push out better quality clothing and paintwork, such as Art Figures' Dredd...

Apologies for being dim - and thanks for drawing my attention to a figure that I did not know about.

Are you saying the "Art figures" Dredd is a bootleg?, or that it HAS been bootlegged (and improved on by the bootleggers)?

I like how how there so much concentrated hate in this thread about a figure that no one has seen in hand. I sure had my doubt about it but didn't cancel. I'm sure that when real collectors get this figure or if you get it in hand in sure you'll eat those comments. If you don't like sideshows figure don't buy and make your own kit bash now there will be enough parts to make one.

I like how you were going on for months warning everyone how bad it was going to be, telling people that Drake turned out awful. . . now when Snake looks bad, you're upset that everyone thinks Snake looks bad.
The Dredd figure by AF is not license approved. They just made it and sold it :wink1:

Ah - got it - many thanks :hi5:

Just did some digging - this thing was released earlier in the year and then re-released December - and I STILL can't find anyone that is currently selling it at the original price - just eBay scalpers.

This would look great next to Snake. If anyone finds a reliable (and reasonably priced) seller - please let me know.

(* apologies for slight thread derail *)

Ah - got it - many thanks :hi5:

Just did some digging - this thing was released earlier in the year and then re-released December - and I STILL can't find anyone that is currently selling it at the original price - just eBay scalpers.

This would look great next to Snake. If anyone finds a reliable (and reasonably priced) seller - please let me know.

(* apologies for slight thread derail *)


Good luck on the hunt buddy cause that is a great figure to have :)
I like how you were going on for months warning everyone how bad it was going to be, telling people that Drake turned out awful. . . now when Snake looks bad, you're upset that everyone thinks Snake looks bad.

For me it doesn't look bad at all. Everyone is expecting that SSC would put out and HT quality when every body knows sideshow track record. like I read on a post before everyone's hating on sideshow because of what they've done before, but this figure looks good to me and I'm still getting. Yes I like I said on that quote I had my doubts but I think I turned out better that we all thought. Look at the pictures of this figure and then look at drake head sculpt and then say that this was not and improvement. If I'm wrong to defend this figure then ask the people that Payed and did get that awful drake figure that cost the same as this one.
For the record, I knew it would be worse than the prototype and had the slightest bit of hope it would look good but it turned out s lot worse than I even thought. In my personal opinion it's Nathan Drake bad.
For the record, I knew it would be worse than the prototype and had the slightest bit of hope it would look good but it turned out s lot worse than I even thought. In my personal opinion it's Nathan Drake bad.

in my personal opinion, it's worse than that. Snake is a decades old cultural icon. That they got it *this bad* it's nothing less than a total travesty.
in my personal opinion, it's worse than that. Snake is a decades old cultural icon. That they got it *this bad* it's nothing less than a total travesty.

In order to save me going through the whole thread - what (besides the likeness and the fit of the jacket/lapels) appears wrong given the currently available in-hand pics/vids?

In order to save me going through the whole thread - what (besides the likeness and the fit of the jacket/lapels) appears wrong given the currently available in-hand pics/vids?


The facial likeness is the worst part. Then the jacket.
It's just a shame that someone looked at what's being released and felt it was adequate.
In order to save me going through the whole thread - what (besides the likeness and the fit of the jacket/lapels) appears wrong given the currently available in-hand pics/vids?

Er, you may have just thrown water on an oil fire lol [emoji55]
K - thanks.

Wish the likeness was like this:

