Super Freak
Also, do any of your shoulder joints click when you try to move them? Sideshow bodies are terrible...Might have to put Snake onto a TTM19!!!
sweet pics dude, i like em. mines coming soon. puttin off the last flex til the end of the month. dont care how quick this comes in really as long as i know im getting it.
Very cool pics, AA.![]()
I beg to differ. It's quite photogenic! Sure, poseability is an issue (ankles/boots, elbows - pretty tough; and one of the shoulders couldn't hold a pose, and dropped the arm)... yeah, I don't think we'll see many pictures with dynamic poses of this one but I still think it's a nice figure. Fortunately I was able to spend a lot of reward points on it.... The figure simply doesn't photograph well. That doesn't mean it is ******.
Just got Snake and absolutely no regrets here. The likeness is fine IMO and no paint issues here. I did have to heat the elbows to unlock them as others have and scuffed the jacket up a little but that's it. Definitely glad to finally have Snake Plissken represented in my collection.![]()
Finished the repaint and weathered his jacket.
^^^ Correction got mine a day early. I'm in agreement with Michael here. I have really no big issues with the head sculpt. I have even fewer issues with the paints. The head on mine doesn't seem to have quite as heavy a paint spray on the bearded region. I share the same complaint with scar effect on his cheek though. That's about as GI Joe as it gets. But my biggest complaints were essentially with everything else. My figure's arms were locked...and I do mean LOCKED...into position at the elbows, so I had to run them over super hot water to get them to loosen up, but they're still not nearly as fluid as I would like. Also watch out for accessories coming lose IN the package. Snake's cigarette was at the bottom of the inner casing and barely staying in thanks to the plastic lid. Easy to lose! Also the chamber of the gun is WAY too lose. Just putting the gun in one of his hands caused the chamber to fly open and spill one of the bullets, which I can't find. The boots are also defective like everyone has mentioned so he requires the stand. And thank God they gave him ample length in his shirt, because otherwise his crack would be showing for sure. Essentially the pants are just not made to fit this body. Since his butt is too big for the pants, you get virtually no posing possibilities with the legs because the seams are already maxed in a standing position. By comparison, the $25.00 Neca Snake destroys this in terms of poseability and just properly fitting clothes.
Also, the jacket is too long to attach any of his wrist accessories. So if you want him to wear those, you pretty much have to accept the jacket-less look (Something I didn't have to do with the Neca version). If it wasn't for the head, I would be returning this. Between the ill-fitting clothes and wonky body that is so restrictive, it's not something I would willingly purchase if I knew it would be this poor in construction. You can buy 1/6th scale figures at Big Lots that have fewer issues. And the thing is, all I really wanted was a figure I could pose wearing essentially all his gear, but I can't do it. Every step along the way I had to make concessions either due to limitations in his articulation or the seaming glut of problems in his attire. Also the accessories are cheap. Even when I was sliding his silencer into the double loops of his holster, one of them came off, so I'll have to glue that back on. It looks like a figure that, on paper, had all the right ideas and inspiration behind it. But the final execution fell well short of what I hope the intent was. I'll make this work, but honestly this figure is no better in quality than the DC Direct figures you could get for less than half the price many years back. And even those had fewer issues.
LOL - hope you're right - my Dredd (sorry - "Heavy Armored Special Cop") is on it's way to me right now (thanks again to DEATHASYLUM).
Rubio - thanks for the pics man - much appreciated- not as bad (or as good) as it could have been.
That face is a bit of a letdown.
I got mine last year in the first wave and agree it's fantastic. All things considered, probably my favourite release last year. Glad you're happy with it. I wasn't sure what to expect, but was genuinely blown away by the attention to detail on JD. Top work by Art Figures.Slightly off-topic but wanted to publicly thank DEATHASYLUM again for the heads-up
My DREDD was picked up from the post-office this-morning. I am absolutely OVER THE MOON about this. EVERYTHING is super-perfect and super detailed. Comparing this to Snake is like night and day. I could not be happier with this purchase - it is truly amazing. Thank goodness Sideshow didn't do this!
Link to onesixthwarriors thread
Figure has definitely been growing on me. The body isn't right for Snake, but I'm having a hell of a time trying to take the boots off. Haven't tried heating them . . .
Actually pretty impressive, digging the map.Thought I'd share this with you guys. Been working on a diorama display for Snake & wanted to post some pics. Not sure how complete it is; I may add some more stuff (I'd really like to make some old-school blinky computer consoles), but I'm pretty happy with it so far.
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I know it's not exactly movie-accurate, but neither is the figure, so what the hell. Hope you guys dig it.