Finally in hand after a long delay, happy enough! Camera flash is not this figure's friend, other than that I'm happy to display him out of the box.
Great work, 8-bit...If I may ask, where did you get the tiny magnets for the holsters?...
Well I sold off some old stuff and had some extra cash so I picked him up today and I hope to get him within a week.
Touch up the face, weather the jacket... What else would those of you who fixed Snake up say are MUST improvements to make this guy better?
I'd say definite hair repaint, custom weather jacket (thats easy, sandpaper, don't even need to dry brush). After I sandpapered I sprayed with Citadel Ardcote to get a bit of the leather sheen back. And (if ur confident) redefine some of the face details. I went for a full repaint but ultimately u don't have too.