very cool repaint

whished i could afford Raymond services right now.
Finally got mine at a decent price.
I was really scared that it would look like **** right outside of the box but i found it pretty cool.
Even the HS paint wich looked really bad in some pics, was ok.
I might consider a repaint down the line but for now im good, maybe i will change the eye position but im a bit scared to do that (even if i opened the head already to see how it could be done).
All the accessories plastic feel cheap especially the pouches.
My biggest complain is the jacket, its almost perfect but they ****ed up the tailoring on the right side.
With fitzing it works ok but really annoying that they failed at the last minute on such important thing.
I reversed the jacket and cut some of the exess fabric there and there, especially around the kuffs, looks less puffy around the hands. I also glued parts of the collar, lapels and the thightening straps in the back.
Looks much better already.
The only priority for me on this figure is weathering the jacket and pants, on a side note i think the jacket will weather on itself seeing how thin it is.
I did a test and swapped the body for a ttm19, wich is thinner than the original body.
Works pretty cool with Russel physique but the pants are a bit loose on the waist, and the jacket require more fitzing and rework. I hate the sideshow body forearms, but since i prefer the jacket on look i will keep using the original body.
In the end, after futzing and customizing a bit i think the figure look like a idealized version of Snake, almost a comic book version of it and i pretty much like it