I received mine today. I have been the biggest nay sayer for this one so will keep it simple (din get a chance to take pics as this came before I was heading to a business trip)
1) if you want to pose it museum pose - it slightly edges the hot toys version. Only cause - the Body is really really sturdy and can handle some good bend in the arms etc without any issues.
2) easy of extreme pose also it's way better than ht from a possibility stand point.
3) however if you do want to pose your Leo in extreme poses and compare apple to apple - ht will edge it out on the look seamlessness front, cause of no joints (but no idea what that would do to the body)
2) sculpt - both fall short a bit and I would rate both of them fairly comparable.
3) sculpt paint on ht is slightly better however the detailing on this body (star ace) with freckles, small scar marks etc are much better.
4) accessories are comparable and top notch (robe could have been BD and I would have loved some more BD to the body and face)
5) packaging - slightly better than ht (but times have changed so that was a given)
Long story short I am happy cause in museum pose you can barely see joints in knee, shoulder (due to strap) and elbow joints are slightly / barely visible. But the body detail covers up for that.
In non museum pose ht will edge out by a slightly margin but again - longevity might be a challenge.
Overall - from throwing my disdain all over the place I am actually a convert on this one.
Lastly - yes some photoshop was done on joints in the promo pictures they shared but actually it was not needed. It gave a more misleading picture than the joint visibility in itself which is barely any.
The below are form my kitchen right when I was heading out

so these are the worse pics a collector can click and it still does look pretty good!
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