1/6 Starkiller

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:clap He looks even better now!

Man, just reminds me how badly I need to work on a Starkiller of my own... I hope I find time someday.
:clap He looks even better now!

Man, just reminds me how badly I need to work on a Starkiller of my own... I hope I find time someday.
Thanks Bro. here is a comparison shot.


So good that you are back customising Lopie darned missed you....

You have done some great work but I always loved your star killer and I loved the old version but this one is even cooler!!!! Also when you get chance I would love to see a shot of his right arm, looks ace man
He looks great! Are his belts and shoulder armor custom?

The belt is custom but the armor is from a SS Leia as Boushh armor. If you take out the center piece and the canisters on the back you have a close enough Star Killers armor. I heated the armor so I could bend the armor to fit around the neck then some paint and your done.

So good that you are back customising Lopie darned missed you....

You have done some great work but I always loved your star killer and I loved the old version but this one is even cooler!!!! Also when you get chance I would love to see a shot of his right arm, looks ace man

Thanks Brother its good to be back. I'll take some pics of the armor. Its a SS clonetrooper arm piece. I had to cut it so it would fit around his arm.
The belt is custom but the armor is from a SS Leia as Boushh armor. If you take out the center piece and the canisters on the back you have a close enough Star Killers armor. I heated the armor so I could bend the armor to fit around the neck then some paint and your done.

I had suspected that.

It seems like Starkiller's outfits often borrow a lot from other characters.
indeed. "borrowing" seems to be the common denominator of many Star Wars writers.

:lecture Well, when you're trying to match someone else's style, the easiest thing you can do to ensure a match is take elements directly from the style you're trying to mimic and recombine them in a way that seems new.

The whole of Star Wars is borrowed from a Japanese samurai movie (I forget the name, it's Akira Kurosawa though), along with multiple archetypal myths that date back thousands of years. The story has been told jillions of times, in many diffferent forms, probably since shortly after the advent of language itself: a journey of a joe-schmoe turning into something important, the rescuing of princesses, the redemption of heroes gone bad.

The Jedi are essentially Samurai, specially if you consider their stoic nobility, use of bladed weapons, and even their clothing in the prequels is almost exactly like traditional Japanese clothing in terms of design.

But yes, it does seem like recent Star Wars stuff like TFU and perhaps even the clone wars were created by people trying to mimic George Lucas's creation directly, and didn't try to expand it in new directions as much as George Lucas might have.

There seems to be a scarcity of originality in the Star Wars universe these days. That's why there's Darth Maul the 2nd on Clone Wars now. :lol [/RANT]

sorry about the rant... :monkey3
:lecture Well, when you're trying to match someone else's style, the easiest thing you can do to ensure a match is take elements directly from the style you're trying to mimic and recombine them in a way that seems new.

The whole of Star Wars is borrowed from a Japanese samurai movie (I forget the name, it's Akira Kurosawa though), along with multiple archetypal myths that date back thousands of years. The story has been told jillions of times, in many diffferent forms, probably since shortly after the advent of language itself: a journey of a joe-schmoe turning into something important, the rescuing of princesses, the redemption of heroes gone bad.

The Jedi are essentially Samurai, specially if you consider their stoic nobility, use of bladed weapons, and even their clothing in the prequels is almost exactly like traditional Japanese clothing in terms of design.

But yes, it does seem like recent Star Wars stuff like TFU and perhaps even the clone wars were created by people trying to mimic George Lucas's creation directly, and didn't try to expand it in new directions as much as George Lucas might have.

There seems to be a scarcity of originality in the Star Wars universe these days. That's why there's Darth Maul the 2nd on Clone Wars now. :lol [/RANT]

sorry about the rant... :monkey3

there is a difference between influence and amateur writing...

to give Lucas credit, each movie pushed further as to what was expected character wise from the Star Wars galaxy… Taun Tauns? Uganaights? Jabba! it is in the heart of the writing… there have been plenty of characters within the EU that have done the trilogy proud too… but i cannot help but see Starkiller (let's start with that name) as an amateurishly generic creation.
there is a difference between influence and amateur writing...

to give Lucas credit, each movie pushed further as to what was expected character wise from the Star Wars galaxy… Taun Tauns? Uganaights? Jabba! it is in the heart of the writing… there have been plenty of characters within the EU that have done the trilogy proud too… but i cannot help but see Starkiller (let's start with that name) as an amateurishly generic creation.

Yup, I agree, Lucas had inspiration, the other writers had a model to follow to maximize profits.

"Starkiller" as you probably know was the original version of "Skywalker" in Lucas's first script for Star Wars. So yeah they aren't being influenced but deliberately recyclying other pieces of Star Wars. Things can only get recycled so often until they become rotten/stale.

TFU seemed to have a nice, if generic-ish plot, but TFUII seemed to be cobbled together in a hurry (it was incredibly short), and the plot was very "meh" IMO. Seems like it was done mostly just to get more money quick.

It brings 'AVATAR' to mind; while it was enjoyable and interesting, it seems that it was only enjoyable and interesting because it was formulated specifically to be that way in order to make money. They used what worked before and threw it together. The difference is, I'm fairly certain James Cameron actually had a vision for AVATAR, while the writer for TFU may just have been hired and told to write a Star Wars video game.

Whoopsie, I'm ranting again! :panic: :slap

...so LOPIE, I've asked you this once or twice before, but got no answer as of yet... How do you keep stabbing your figures? Like Vader stabs Starkiller in one pic and Starkiller stabs a stormie in another, do you have to drill holes in the bodies or what? Or can lightsaber blades easily fit through somewhere on a HT body? I've been very confused about that.
I cut the saber and place the saber in between the armor. as for the star killer getting stabbed I just put it in between the belts. LOL And sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.
I cut the saber and place the saber in between the armor. as for the star killer getting stabbed I just put it in between the belts. LOL And sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.

Oh, that makes a lot more sense than what I was thinking of. I couldn't bare to think that someone would actually defile a perfectly good SS saber... :lol Oh wait, that's right, we're customizers!