Indian Jones
Freaked Out
I am using the Worldbox AT020 (standard 2024 version) for now for my Supermad K. I find he looks more accurate to Gosling's on-screen in build now compared to the stock Supermad body, but is a touch too tall for my liking:
+ The AT020 has given him narrower shoulders which slope a bit more naturally, though Gosling's arms still slope more when in a neutral, relaxed pose than what the AT020 offers. Before he looked like Tyrant from Resident Evil 3, with very broad, coat-hanger shoulders .
+ Better shaped chest that fills in the jumper better.
+ My neck adapter mod also works better with this body and I have full control with articulation and height adjustment, the latter of which I find is more important to get right for this figure since, a. Gosling has a tall neck, b. the Supermad jumper neckline is much higher than the one worn in the 2049 and c. Vince (V Collectibles) deliberately made the neck of his sculpt taller, apparently learning from the Jinx neck being too short and exposing the neck line easily.
- I think the AT020 makes him approx. .5 - 1cm too tall. I think the height is passable but for me, looks slightly out of place and wrong in relation to the heights of my other figures, like Indiana Jones; Gosling is 1.84m tall, according to Google and Harrison Ford is 1.85m, and I find the ANH/ Solo Story bodies ideal for Ford overall and in height.
I don't like the AT020 much and find it a difficult body to work for various reasons, as follows:
- Poor quality joints (one arm flops a bit after a certain point on its axis), heavy weight making it difficult to stand upright securely and safely, though boots helps with this a lot.
- Lack of access to screws and disassembly of body that I can see, making it impossible for me to modify/ Frankenstein and improve the body for the figure.
- Ankle joints are poor, very stiff out of box and have limited articulation, with just a central pivot and nothing else, unlike the standard 360 degrees from Hot Toys.
- Thighs are a bit too skinny for most physiques/ figure needs and thus, need some padding, my usual self-gripping bandage didn't work as the trousers are so skinny, It was impossible to pull them over all the way up to the waist line. Though, I thought of sticking brown packaging tape over the bandage next time perhaps, to make a smooth surface to glide over. I used an thin dungaree undergarment instead which has helped very slightly. The extra layer seems to have also allowed the jumper to stay stretched fully as far down as possible and over the trousers whilst not pulling back up. It did this before. I will wait for the other bodies to potentially try them, otherwise I will stick with the AT020 and maybe re-do the bandage padding with the above method.
I eventually got to Frankensteining a new body for K using left over, spare parts, an ANH mash of Jared Leto Joker chest and l arms and Solo Story waist and legs. I shaved the neck down and modified the adapter peg to fit the neck, though this was not as good and ideal as my AT020. Things were looking good until I put everything on. The jacket is too slim for the ANH chest/ bust size and does not fit as well. The height was about spot on, I felt, however. The thighs were a bit more filled in. I had limited articulation and stability with my temporary neck fitting solution, I would have to file one of my spare neck adapters down for a better solution. I went back to the AT020 using the undergarment.
Neck Mod:

ANH Frankenstein Body:

Stock Supermad Body:

AT020 Body and bare body comparison with stock Supermad:

AT020 and stock Supermad body shoulder comparison:

Undergarment on AT020:

Dry-futzed jacket and current look on AT020 body:

+ The AT020 has given him narrower shoulders which slope a bit more naturally, though Gosling's arms still slope more when in a neutral, relaxed pose than what the AT020 offers. Before he looked like Tyrant from Resident Evil 3, with very broad, coat-hanger shoulders .
+ Better shaped chest that fills in the jumper better.
+ My neck adapter mod also works better with this body and I have full control with articulation and height adjustment, the latter of which I find is more important to get right for this figure since, a. Gosling has a tall neck, b. the Supermad jumper neckline is much higher than the one worn in the 2049 and c. Vince (V Collectibles) deliberately made the neck of his sculpt taller, apparently learning from the Jinx neck being too short and exposing the neck line easily.
- I think the AT020 makes him approx. .5 - 1cm too tall. I think the height is passable but for me, looks slightly out of place and wrong in relation to the heights of my other figures, like Indiana Jones; Gosling is 1.84m tall, according to Google and Harrison Ford is 1.85m, and I find the ANH/ Solo Story bodies ideal for Ford overall and in height.
I don't like the AT020 much and find it a difficult body to work for various reasons, as follows:
- Poor quality joints (one arm flops a bit after a certain point on its axis), heavy weight making it difficult to stand upright securely and safely, though boots helps with this a lot.
- Lack of access to screws and disassembly of body that I can see, making it impossible for me to modify/ Frankenstein and improve the body for the figure.
- Ankle joints are poor, very stiff out of box and have limited articulation, with just a central pivot and nothing else, unlike the standard 360 degrees from Hot Toys.
- Thighs are a bit too skinny for most physiques/ figure needs and thus, need some padding, my usual self-gripping bandage didn't work as the trousers are so skinny, It was impossible to pull them over all the way up to the waist line. Though, I thought of sticking brown packaging tape over the bandage next time perhaps, to make a smooth surface to glide over. I used an thin dungaree undergarment instead which has helped very slightly. The extra layer seems to have also allowed the jumper to stay stretched fully as far down as possible and over the trousers whilst not pulling back up. It did this before. I will wait for the other bodies to potentially try them, otherwise I will stick with the AT020 and maybe re-do the bandage padding with the above method.
I eventually got to Frankensteining a new body for K using left over, spare parts, an ANH mash of Jared Leto Joker chest and l arms and Solo Story waist and legs. I shaved the neck down and modified the adapter peg to fit the neck, though this was not as good and ideal as my AT020. Things were looking good until I put everything on. The jacket is too slim for the ANH chest/ bust size and does not fit as well. The height was about spot on, I felt, however. The thighs were a bit more filled in. I had limited articulation and stability with my temporary neck fitting solution, I would have to file one of my spare neck adapters down for a better solution. I went back to the AT020 using the undergarment.
Neck Mod:

ANH Frankenstein Body:

Stock Supermad Body:

AT020 Body and bare body comparison with stock Supermad:

AT020 and stock Supermad body shoulder comparison:

Undergarment on AT020:

Dry-futzed jacket and current look on AT020 body:

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