Did you just paint over an existing Headsculpt? In the bald picture it looks a bit like the Headplay Johnny Depp Gangster sculpt.
Or is it your own sculpt, comission...I NEED TO KNOW!
cazzarola enzo it seems dillinger depp's head from headplay...
have you used this for your custom eric ?
sembra la testa pelata e truccata del dillinger by headplay...
non mi dire che hai usato la testa di depp per il custom di eric draven....saresti il top...
might just be the angle of the pic? brandon did have quite a big forehead, so it could be quite accurate.
head sculpt choice is inspired... i'm amazed because i actually suggested it to seb for a comic version draven a couple months back! has almost all the right facial features and a great expression.