Super Freak
Nice to see a licensed BB figure on the market. Looks like 3Zero (and AMC) will get some more of my money. 

Walt has been done to death. I'd like to see some other characters from the show. Hopefully this sells well so I can at least see Gus get made.
Meh. Don't care. My yunsil/ iminime/ trevor combo can't be topped. That head already looks worse than even the eleven one. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking threezero and it makes sense that someone finally nabs this in 1/6. And sure there will be parts that I can upgrade. Already got my eye on those sunglasses.
But as I said before, proce tag might top things but quality of what's out there can't be beat and therefore zero interest from me.
Interesting. Always felt that Trevor Grove sculpt was over rated. Something off about the eyes and the shape of his head. These $800+ customs are becoming less and less tempting when legit companies continue to pick up these licenses. This company has taken on some ambitious projects. Hope they can deliver.
I agree. Imo Trevor's work is always superb. He can't be beat when it comes to likenesses.
I adore BB but haven't got a bottomless wallet so I don't mind going for the cheaper end of the market. I've ordered Elevens as I thought that was very good value for money, but just out of interest roughly how much do you think this figure will end up retailing for?
I hope that means they'll be announcing figures quickly. Would be nice to see them getting around to doing Jesse, Mike and Gus.Breaking Bad is Sony and they are doing a hard push on Breaking Bad licensing. I'm so glad someone stepped up to do this.