I hope everyone hates it so I can get a deal on one. Or two.This looks like a cheap toy, just can’t get on board with the clean look at all. Had this on order with KG and I don’t have a Tusken in my (OT only) collection. Gonna cancel it.
Sitting here watching The Marshal episode the Tuskens aren‘t nearly as clean in the show as this figure, maybe not as filthy as ANH but definitely not pristine and their outer robe was almost as voluminous as in ANH too.
This figure definitely needs some work to even look like a Mando Raider.
I wonder if there's variations among them?
As with this pair:
View attachment 542851
The left hand one looks closer to the HT with a sleeved cloak, and the one on the right has a more voluminous cloak with the 'sleeves' formed by stitching the material together as was done in the OT.
The HT cloak still looks too skimpy either way though.
I miss Susan…Wish Terry was doing the unboxings at Sideshow....
VsI've been dutifully watching every YT review on this fig on my pathway to pulling the trigger but I will tell you this pose was kind of a buzzkill.
Still a fantastic looking figure after all these years. Can’t fault Sideshow on their alien figures, wish they’d keep filling that niche.