1:6 scale, mainly due to Fury Road...
Welcome. Good taste in movies.
1:6 scale, mainly due to Fury Road...
Thanks for the indications, luisenigma! What about durability of the paint coat, is it suppossed to rub under manipulation? I have used acrylics before but over rigid surfaces, don't know about the effects on "textiles". I guess varnish would be pointless...
did you repaint the head because there is no blood on the wounds on the head & side.
Thanks a lot for the info,potato!
About those weathering powders...any commercial reference? I tought they will come off very easy, just by toaching the surface (like real powder,you know)...then it is possible to combine those powders with thin layers of clear coating,right?
I ask about weathering so much because colour-wise AF may look more accurate,but feeling/texture/volume, VTS is way WAY better IMO. Had they painted it brown rather than glossy black, it would the best figure for sure...
No that's what I got...never noticed that it has no blood.
but be careful when wet brushing equipments it seems to eat away some of the paint like my AF Sniper Rifle paint gets washed up. But they stick better compared to applying it dry.
View attachment 330160
Wow,that looks nice to me...
I guess i could try and see what happens, thanks guys for your feedback on this!
Regarding the brothers head sculpt, do you think it looks ok? Anyways, what would be the best way to attach it to original vts body? Through neck insert, You know,without changing the body...
there are sculpted arms designed for neck sculpts but they are slightly more expensive. search for 1/6 ZC Body you will find 2 versions 1 with neck 1 without.
Sounds great,thanks! I wonder if muscular zc body would work fine with vts outfit, seems too bulky for the shirt+jacket+vest...any feedback on this? On the other hand, sculpted arms look nice!!
Your figure looks perfect for me, potato...anyway, the look of max along the films and videogame seems very inconsistent (probably delibertaly) so any option should be fine...
I am really considering getting the brothers headsculpt, recasting and over sculpting it.. If only his eyes were a bit smaller...
Sounds great,thanks! I wonder if muscular zc body would work fine with vts outfit, seems too bulky for the shirt+jacket+vest...any feedback on this? On the other hand, sculpted arms look nice!!
Your figure looks perfect for me, potato...anyway, the look of max along the films and videogame seems very inconsistent (probably delibertaly) so any option should be fine...
I am really considering getting the brothers headsculpt, recasting and over sculpting it.. If only his eyes were a bit smaller...
Finally got mine! Thanks so much for the suggestion guys!
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