Anyone else waiting for TimeWalker Toys?
Anyone else waiting for TimeWalker Toys?
Got mine yesterday, but haven't had a sit-down to fully appreciate it yet. One thing that stood out and not about the figure is the packaging. I'm not a package guy, but the construction paper box was a bit of a surprise. I have other VTS figures and this one by far is the cheapest in quality. In the end it's the figure that matters, but it does feel like some of my kids' construction paper projects.
Oh weird, they changed the packaging on these later shipments.
I have 2. One from an earlier shipment from onesixthkit and one recent one from hobby galaxy.
The onesixthkit box has a slip cover with windowed box underneath, paper stock is similar to HT boxes. It has logos and such like you'd expect.
The hobby galaxy one came with the same slip cover but there's a lower quality, non-window box underneath that you guys are mentioning. It's just plain craft black with no printing.
I'll see if there are any actual figure quality differences later.
Am I remembering correctly that the first batch's box also had some instructions inside? I kept trying to figure out where they were hidden in my box to no avail. If anyone has that a pic of those it would be greatly appreciated!
Am I remembering correctly that the first batch's box also had some instructions inside? I kept trying to figure out where they were hidden in my box to no avail. If anyone has that a pic of those it would be greatly appreciated!