1/6 Yavin Ceremony Project

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Re: 1/6 Yavin Ceremony (Entry)

I got me some foliage on the inside back wall and a floor now. I just need to work on the frame of the door and the guards visors to wrap this puppy up. Enjoy.

Re: 1/6 Yavin Ceremony (Entry)

A couple more pics with the figures in place. I couldn't resist seeing what it looks like before it's technically done, but the thread doesn't seem to be going anywhere, so I'm just showing them now and calling it pretty much done. If I do the tweaks later, I'll unbury it. Enjoy!


Re: 1/6 Yavin Ceremony (Entry)

Thanks Flosi.

I do think these boots are an upgrade over SS, but they still don't look exactly right. I like the look on Han, but I'm not sold on Luke yet. When I get enough, I'd like to do the HT slim/ST Luke head swap and see what that's like.
Re: 1/6 Yavin Ceremony (Entry)

Thanks Flosi.

I do think these boots are an upgrade over SS, but they still don't look exactly right. I like the look on Han, but I'm not sold on Luke yet. When I get enough, I'd like to do the HT slim/ST Luke head swap and see what that's like.

I have a pair of Rebel Fleet Trooper boots on my Luke. They look pretty good but are in no way accurate.

I had a slim TT with the ST Luke head on my Farmboy Luke for quite awhile. As long as you swap the neck that comes with the TT for a standard TT or Pro neck it looks fine... That Slim TT neck is rather skinny and long.
Re: 1/6 Yavin Ceremony (Entry)

Yeah, my Farmboy Luke already is set up with the TT body/neck/head I mentioned and I love it. I just need 2 more set ups for X-Wing Luke and Yavin Luke. But the slim is mucho $$$ and not many people part with the ST Luke head. When they do, it's mucho $$$ and IM Poor.:D

Maybe I need to learn how to cast.
Re: 1/6 Yavin Ceremony (Entry)

Yeah, my Farmboy Luke already is set up with the TT body/neck/head I mentioned and I love it. I just need 2 more set ups for X-Wing Luke and Yavin Luke. But the slim is mucho $$$ and not many people part with the ST Luke head. When they do, it's mucho $$$ and IM Poor.:D

Maybe I need to learn how to cast.

I have the Farmboy head on Yavin, X-Wing and Farmboy Lukes with the ST head back on the original figure. I do like the ST Luke Sculpt best though... Like you said, I wish I had 3 or 4 more.... I have just about all my Lukes on Pro bodies now (X-wing, Yavin, Bespin and Jedi). I think if nothing else the Pro makes for a really good Luke, scale wise.
Re: 1/6 Yavin Ceremony (Entry)

I originally just wanted to kitbash a few guys I knew Sideshow wouldn't make to beef up the self-imposed ANH only collection. I can't really sculpt, so I wanted to see what I could do with uniforms. Long story short, I have made a decision to theme them up and include them here.

The first part of the thread is for the entry way to the Medal Ceremony. Hopefully Darklord Dave can change the thread to include all my Yavin stuff. So despite the first dio needing some work still, I've upgraded some stuff pictured in it and I've started a new dio. So to sum up what's done:



And here's a couple new pics to kickstart this new version of the thread:


Rebel dude 1 and the start of Rebel dude 2 in progress


4 foot of stairs baby!!! I've already miscalculated the height of each step, so it won't be accurately scaled in height, but I can live with it. I had all the steps mocked up and it is sweet looking. Then it fell apart moving it around, so it's going back together a little different.

Re: 1/6 Yavin Ceremony (Entry)

<img src="https://i357.photobucket.com/albums/oo15/jdman12/IMG_1821.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

OOOOWWW YESSSSSSSS.... now that is gonna be so cool.!!!
Re: 1/6 Yavin Ceremony (Entry)

Everything is looking VERY good so far. This is going to be an awesome project to watch come together. :D
Re: 1/6 Yavin Ceremony (Entry)

Really dig the entranceway! It looks spot on! :clap Can't wait to see how the steps turn out, its going to make for a killer display piece!
Re: 1/6 Yavin Ceremony (Entry)


Nice work so far! Can't wait to see when everything comes together into one super-awesome, movie-like picture!

And about the thread title, I found that if you click the bottom right corner of one of your thread's titles (when it's in the list), it will let you edit the thread title yourself. Hope that helps....:monkey3
Here's a couple more WIP pics from tonight

Not that it looks like much more than the last pic, but there's 14 steps now. I still have to attach the left side, oh, and find a place to put the damn thing.:lol


Next is Leia. Dorgs floated me a shrunken head Boushh Leia, and I'm fixin' to turn it in to a Ceremony Leia. Forgive the "paint". I just wanted to see how I did on the new hairline. She needs a lot of work.


Here's a group shot of stage right so far. Yeah, Han's in Luke's spot, but he need some Explorer boots first (which should be here tomorrow:yess:) Still waiting on my baldy head from overseas for Commander Hudsol. I'm looking forward to sculpting that killer 'stache and some sideburns!! R2's on the way too!


Hope you guys like :pray: