$200-$300, assuming it'll have seats for Han and Greedo.

I think I'll put my guess in at $50 if its just the table, $100 for table plus benches.
$200-$300, assuming it'll have seats for Han and Greedo.
$200-$300, assuming it'll have seats for Han and Greedo.
gosh i can't see it being that high. if it is I think SSC would opt out on the seats and only do the table. the table is much smaller than the chess table and doesn't have all the little pieces. it does look to have 1 LED
I think I'll put my guess in at $50 if its just the table, $100 for table plus benches.
looks pretty good. don't know if i'll get the environment too. i kinda like my Han standing and i don't know if it is legal to pose greedo at the table alone.
gosh i can't see it being that high. if it is I think SSC would opt out on the seats and only do the table. the table is much smaller than the chess table and doesn't have all the little pieces. it does look to have 1 LED
I think I'll put my guess in at $50 if its just the table, $100 for table plus benches.
Well, assuming they do 2 seats, but no wall, it's still quite a bit there. I'd say at least $140 like Emperor's throne, and I don't think there's an LED, just grahic effects, if the light were LED there should be a glow on the Greedo and there isn't.
I'm figuring the environment will be this minus the wall.
So another static table like the chessboard?
I'd be happy displaying him standing with pistol ready, or even throw him into Jabba's gang, there was a Rodian in Jabba's palace. Even at $150, I'm not sure I'd feel the table necessary for him. With the Emperor, the throne was almost part of his persona, the table for Greedo just happens to be where we saw him on screen.
And unless the name Greedo were stitched onto his shirt, there's nothing to distinguish them.
There's also 2 of them in ANH after Greedo dies.