Just got him!
BUT.... for the first time EVER, I believe I got a lemon from AlterEgo.
First, it came wrapped in a clear plastic bag. No big deal I thought, but when I opened Fett up, he was all twisted around as if he'd been removed and put back in. Not only that but there's two "holes" on the blocky vest. Almost like where someone tried to punch through the armor plating and then moved it over a bit. Two holes, one on each side of the ab armor. Really weird.
Been awhile since I ordered from AE, is it usual for them to wrap the figure box in plastic bag and not have it in the Sideshow mailer?
Anyone else get the "holes" in the plastci coating of the vest?
I'm very sad.

Can't decide if I should send him back tomorrow, or just make the "holes" like bullet holes and keep him.