1-6th X-wing

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Re: 1-6th X-wing project

Cheers guys I really appreciate the kind words... As for wings... well I have thought about it loads and they are on the TO DO list now. I think they would be cool.... but they are way down on the list.. ah the list... its a bit like the universe.. ever expanding.. and great fun to explore.

only have a couple more pics from last night. but I want to take some more.

Also I will post in the I want section but if any one has a holochess set they want to sell please let me know.

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/x-wing/x-wing381.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Re: 1-6th X-wing project

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/x-wing/x-wing383.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Re: 1-6th X-wing project

I love it man... such an awesome project and the shot's with Solo are perfection :rock :rock :rock
Re: 1-6th X-wing project

Thanks a lot Mark, the 6 hours of my life it took to catch up on this thread are gone now, forever, but it was totally worth it. :bow

I am so happy you got back to working on this beast. :)
Re: 1-6th X-wing project

Ah cheers guys. Been doing family stuff lately so no new photos... but the new build has started :) very excited
Re: 1-6th X-wing project

Welcome aboard custommodellbau.

It would be impressive some time to see an Echo Base style shot of a snowspeeder or two next to the X-wing.
Re: 1-6th X-wing project

Does anyone else think it is incredible that Mark has the freakin dudes moving the ladder for the Xwing? lol How many dollies do you have good sir?
Re: 1-6th X-wing project

Congratulations Dorgmal Snow !!!!

Your work is so impressive and realistic, you should have worked for ILM in 1977 !

You had the skill to build it from scratch, and it is a dream for us to see such thing. Hey you're in Kent, not to far from me, I just have to cross the Channel (live next to Channeltunnel).

You probably know the guys from "von Abt", they are crazy too, and imagine if they worked with you on a Death Star part...
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Re: 1-6th X-wing project

hahha I can probably wave at you from my loft window as I leave near Folkestone by the channel tunnel hahaha
daves in the star wars custom section..............:panic::panic::panic:

:lol................awesome idea dave.........& congrats mark.......you've been facebooked.........:clap