1 post - vote for the next 1:6th SW figure

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Anyone of the main character from ANH: Darth Vader, Han Solo, Chewie, Luke, R2 or 3PO.
I'd like to see either an Anakin or Arena Padme from AOTC.

I'd love an Obi but we've already had two in this line so I don't want people to get their knickers in a twist.

Either that or Tiin/Kolar from ROTS
My vote ESB 2-1b medical droid


Always had a liking for the character and the OT 3 3/4 figure.

And this could be badd ass done 1/6!!

AOTC: Shaak Ti
I was torn between her and Aayla Secura, but until SSC debuts a new improved female bod, I'd prefer Shaak Ti.
I vote EU.

Mara Jade figure or

Jaina and Jacen (teens) Two Pack....
Yes, I'm the one who voted for TPM. I just want a proper TPM Obi Wan, and I can pretty much leave the rest of that wreck for dead. Any secondary OT characters such as Lando and Lobot are very welcomed. Do I smell a future two-pack? :monkey5
I voted for TESB. Some Snowtroopers with their laser cannon is my dream release.
I voted EU. I was born after the movies had already come and gone (1982) So I've grown up reading the comics and the novels, and watching the movies on VHS. I'd love to have Thrawn Stading on my shelf Brooding, or mara Jade Poised to cut down Luke skywalker. Sadly, i think the truth of the matter is that it will be quite a while before I see any of my Favorite EU characters, Master Quinlain Vos included.
So If it's got to be a OT or PT character next, BRing me Armored Figures, or BRING ME YODA!
I'd love to have a ATOC/ROTS yoda, with 30+ points of articulation. Give me an excuse to get one of theose clear flexi-stands I keep seeing Edwin posing his figures with :)
Since i want Shaak Ti, I voted AOTC. Would love a Vader or Stormie though.
ROTJ - I want the REAL Palpatine! Screw Mr.Wardrobe Change and Lightsaber, I want a Sith Lord who doesn't NEEEEDD a stinking lightsaber!
Since I only collect Jedi/Sith in 1:6 and it's time for another Jedi I picked ROTS and I want Saesee Tinn.

Vader w/ Removable Helmet.
Admiral Ackbar!
Royal Guard!!
Biker Scout!!
Emperor Palpatine!


I could keep going with even more Jabba folk too. ROTJ just has my favorite cast of characters hands down.