I’d like to assemble a kitbashed Jack figure using Hot Toys parts, in hopes in recreating something closer to the AWE look. Would y’all let me know if this “recipe” below achieves the AWE look more or less?
Top to bottom –
Hat: MMS42 AWE or DX06 OST?
Face: DX15 neutral faceplate
Head: DX38 head-sculpt
Body: DX15
Hands: DX15 hands w/ palm glove painted in between fingers
Shirt: DX38
Coat: DX38
Vest: MMS42 AWE
Pants: DX38
Boots: DX38
I know he’s got a whole bunch of straps, belts and trinkets but most of these items included with the new DX38 seem to be present on the AWE look, minus the crocodile skin belt. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
My thinking behind grabbing the DX15 body & hands would be to match skin tones with the DX15 neutral faceplate which I’ve decided I like the best.
I bet it sounds like such a financial hassle to put this together but I think I’m up for it! Thanks in advance y’all.
MMS42 AWEm not even a question, the HT MMS and Medicom hats are the only ones that actually look like Jack's hat shape.
If you're set on using a neutral face for you figure, DX15 is the one that gets my vote. I'll have the DX37/8/9 faces coming in a few days and can really compare that neutral face to the DX15, but from what I see in reviews and photos, I think DX15 is the better choice.
Depending on how you get the MMS42 parts, if you've got the entire figure, it might be worth seeing about removing the face/head from the dreads and using that as the hair piece, might be able to combine them, never heard of anyone trying and finding out one way or another, otherwise, I think your choice here works. If you do have the head from MMS42, you could pop the piece of eight off that and look at removing the one on DX38 and replacing it for more accuracy despite the other differences in the hair. I haven't finished because the bandana was giving me challenges, but I bought a DX06 hair piece, removed the trinket and took the piece of eight off a DMC head I have, then cut the dreads to a length more like DMC/AWE.
For the reason you cited, makes the most sense, and DX15 has the sculpted forearms too, DX06 was the only body not to.
For overall selection of hands and gestures and paint work, the DX06 hands are best in my opinion, but they were a bit oversized, though they look less oversized with the newer heads, the DX06 heads were a little undersized, so the contrast of too big hands and too small heads really contrasted.
If it's down to DX15 or DX37/8/9, then I'd say DX15.
Shirt: DX38
Depends on what matters to you. I don't see a great deal of difference between DX15 and DX37/8/9 except for the thickness of the fabric and the size of the tassels hanging from the collar. DX15 is a thicker material and feels more durable than DX37/8/9 looked in Justin's review, however, the scale of the tassels on DX37/8/9 looks much better. Either way isn't a conclusive choice, so up to you what matters more to you.
No question DX38 is the best, the tailoring is the best match to his coat.
The MMS42 AWE is your only route to have the basic blue vest. I tried a Medicom vest thinking the Medicom body and HT Slim used for Jack would be close in size, but Medicom is still quite smaller.
If you have the option, I'd remove the cheap, glued on buttons of the MMS42, remove the real buttons from a DX06/DX15 and attach them to the MMS vest to make it look a little nicer.
As far as I can tell, both quality and color are the same whether you go DX15 or DX37/8/9. DX06 are darker though, I would not use them.
To me, this is a matter of preference regarding appearance. I find the DX15 and DX37/8/9 boots look too "stiff" and new. I use the DX06 boots for my figure because I feel like they look more piratey overall. I wish they were darker, but for me, the lighter color is worth it to have the better overall look, and there are times his boots look that light, such as when they're on the beach getting Davy Jones' chest.
As far as belt trinkets, the best options for the furs are to get the MMS42 furs or the DX37/8/9 furs, the DX06 and DX15 ones, while neat for having actual fur, are ridiculously out of scale.
The other things like the monkey paw and such can be used from the newer figures, if anything, it's just a matter of using less.
This site is a great reference for costuming details.